[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sne—The kinema business appears to be run by men whose sole object is to make big profits at all cost regardless of the moral harm they are doing, especially to our young people whose future lives and moral standards must be largely influenced by what they see in the picture-houses. I have no hesitation in saying that a majority of ordinary film stories are vulgar, morbid, inartistic, and that they frequently depict unpleasant episodes. Almost every well-educated man I" meet agrees with me, and I am glad to say many others in humble ranks of life. I saw one the other day at the Empire called " Way Down East," and was disgusted at some'of the scenes. It oomes from America. I hope British producers will aim at something higher than this. It contains COMO very touching, even harrow- ing scenes which are quite good in. their way. But I strongly object to the devilish,. device of putting. in. gpod scenes to atone for the bad ones! It makes the path-of the reformer ton times more difficult. If the West End picture-houses exhibit vulgar and unpleasant films, I fear that in the poorer parts of London things must be far worse.
Personally, I think that a public censor would be mom or less of a failure, because, unless he were a bravo man, with a high standard, he would not know where to draw' the line. Still, if. things get worse; a censor may be necessary. I would like to see a committee for kinema. reform set up, in every town to keep a- watchful eye on this business: But the first. thing will be to create a healthy public opinion in the matter. So I appeal. to yon, lir; Editor, to start a campaign against bad films. The. Churches and the Press together can dee a great deal if only they will show courage' and make a hold, attaek on this grave social evil which has great financial interest& tcehaels it up. Why don't the Bishops speak out boldly? Properly controlled, the-.kinema-may become a great power for geed, and' it has come- to stay.—I am, Sir, 8,e.,.
Royal Societies' Club. (Rev.) H. NEVILLE MITCHINSON