Wo have received. the first number of a new series
of the Ccakeha &view (Senate House, Calcutta, 1 rupee, 8 comas), the quarterly associated with Calcutta University. It contains some poetry and fiction and articles on various topics. Mr. Abhaykamar Guha makes an effective plea for a larger grant to the university, which is doing a great work with very modest resources. Mr. Mash discusses the question whether the rupee will ever again rise to two shillings. An unnamed con- tributor writes enthusiastically about " Gandhi and Tagore." In Mr. Gandhi " we have the ideal man of India, of unlimited patience, of transcendent virtue, who cares for nothing, wants nothing for himself, neither fortune nor fame, .and yet out of the abundance of his love for humanity is devoting himself to the cause of justice and truth for his native. land." The outlook for India would not be very hopeful if the " Mahatma " were really her " ideal man."