Again, the Government scheme of cottage holdings might well have
adopted the attractive name of Homecroft. The idea is very much the same, that a producer of food from the land need not spend his whole time or even the chief part of his or her time in that occupation. It faut cultiver noire' jardin—Candide's final verdict on life—is a proper motto for the industrial worker or even the urban distributor. You come upon this zeal for the land in very unexpected quarters. .The most lyrical praise of the small productive hold- ing that ever I heard was from a barber who worked all day and every day except Sunday in the City. The most pleasant thing in his life, he said, was to go out in the evening and cultivate his small suburban allotment, and to bring home a fresh lettuce for supper. The work and fresh air and lettuce combined, a potent trio, always induced a sweet and refreshing sleep ! So he spoke, with continuous gusto, to the accom- paniment of the snipping scissors ! Incidentally, has the common belief that a lettuce has soporific qualities any physiological basis '
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