29 OCTOBER 1927, page 19

Modern India [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sta,---in My

letter on the above subject which appeared in the Spectator of July 16th, I regret that * my Word " Babus " should have been read 'by you in three places as " babies." I said :......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin,—the Westminster...

in a Report which pur- ports being a reply to the " Survey on Housing Conditions in the Victoria Ward. Westminster," issued by the Westniinster . Survey Group, and to your......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir, —may I...

on the splendid way you arc insisting on the truth about the slums of Westminster ? As a member of the Westminster Committee of C.C.II.F., St. Gabriel's . School care committee,......

A Life Of Sir Charles Warren. [to The Editor Of

the SPEC'TATOR.] SIR,- -I have been asked to collect material with a view to a publication of a Life and Letters of my father-in-law, the late General Sir Charles Warren. May I......