[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —May I congratulate you
on the splendid way you arc insisting on the truth about the slums of Westminster ? As a member of the Westminster Committee of C.C.II.F., St. Gabriel's. School care committee, and honorary secretary of St. James's Park open-air class, I have to do a good bit of visiting in all the streets you mention, and agree with every-
thing you say about them. . .
There is a boy of twelve in the open-air class who shares a room with his parents and five other children. For this tiny room, their only one for living in all day as well, they pay 6s. Id. a week. This is in Horseferry Road, Marsham Street end, and not seven minutes' walk from the Abbey.
Another family consist of three grown-ups and five childrel in two tiny rooms. These are only two cases of many. You may be interested to know that the open-air class in St. James's Park is to continue during the winter for the first time. It has only been a summer school up till now:7.-1 am, Sir, &c„ Komi H. S.aixsitrav-. 63 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, II'. 2.