Sir: Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 22 October) accuses me by name of practising Soviet-style disinformation on my readers on behalf of Harold Wilson, in the extracts from The Wilson Plot currently being published.
Well, I shall have to confess. The KGB have been employing me to whitewash the Wilson circle in this book, and do down the honest members of Peter Wright's MI5. The amounts of Kremlin gold I have been secretly receiving in Switzerland are simply enormous. It is a pity from my point of view that — for security reasons — Harold Wilson's friends have not been told, and as a result spend a lot of time unsuccessfully demanding that I delete various faintly embarrassing facts about them from the manuscript.
Fortunately, devotees of Bron will have the chance to read in the book a fairly encyclopaedic compilation of Waugh's published efforts to expose the truth, with his sources attached. One of the most heartwarming facts revealed is the way that, since 1971, he has been tireless in publishing his belief that Harold Wilson really was a Soviet agent.
By the way, Wilson's timber firm was Meyer as I published, and not Myers, as Bron claimed. Say what you like about the KGB, they certainly know how to spell.
David Leigh The Observer,
Chelsea Bridge House, Queenstown Road, • London SW8