Sir: In your otherwise excellent editorial of 24 September you write that the contribu- tors to Index on Censorship arc 'particular- ly justified in complaining that the Govern-......
Gratia Artis
Sir: Kingsley Amis (according to Auberon Waugh, 8 October) believes the modernist movement (which Amis says did not aim to please, but to shock, baffle, impress) would never......
Pet Theory
Sir: I am amazed at Charles Moore's dogmatic assertion (Diary, 8 October) that `you cannot take your pets to heaven'. Cynthia Lady Sandys, who has been in communication for......
Sir: Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 22 October) accuses me by name of practising Soviet-style disinformation on my readers on behalf of Harold Wilson, in the extracts from The......
Death And Soul
Sir: Alice Thomas Ellis (Home life, October) may not meet undertakers at the parties she attends; but I can tell her that I go to plenty of parties. I reckon I am considered the......
The Spectator For Poland
THE idea is that readers should take out half-price Spectator subscriptions for peo- ple in Poland. Potential recipients in Po- land will be identified with the help of the......