Messrs. Hurst and Blackett announce for appearance in Oetober "The Valley of a Hundred Fires," by the Author of "Margaret and Her Bridesmaids ; " "A Book about Doctors," by Mr. J.- C. Yeaffreson ; " " A Cruize in the Pacific," from the Log of a Naval Officer, edited by Captain Aylmer ; and " DauntonManor-House " a novel.
An English edition, printed in the ordinary type, of the New Testa- ment portion of the " Codex,Alexandrinus," edited by Mr. B. H. Cow- per, is preparing for publication by Messrs, Williams and Norgate.
Dr. E. Headlam Greenhorn is preparing for the press a work on " Diphtheria : its History and Treatment," to be shortly published.
The " Collected Poems of Eliza Cook," with illustrations by Gilbert, are promised by Messrs. Routledge and Co., as a " Christmas Book for 1861."
Mr. Blanchard Jerrold is engaged on a " History of Industrial Ex- hibitions," to be published by Messrs. Allen, Leadenhall Street, in No- vember.
" The Complete Book of English, Scottish, and Irish Ballads," in one volume, with Glossaries, Notes, and various Readings, is announced by Messrs. It. Griffin and do., for December.
" Man : Physical, Apparitional, and Spiritual ; with Illustrations from the Natural and Supernatural," is the title of a work announced for publication by Mr. Bailliere, Regent Street.
The fifth volume of the "Correspondence de Napoleon I., publiee par ordre de l'Empereur Napoleon III.," was published on Monday last, by M. Henri Plon, Paris. The greater part of the volume relates to the campaign of Egypt.
A new edition, after the orginal MSS., of the " Memoires de Louis XIV. pour l'Instruction du Dauphin," has been published by Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris, edited and annotated by M. Ch. Dreyss. The first edition, published by Grouvelle, in 1806, has been long known to be very incorrect.
The materials for the history of contemporary Italy have been en- riched by an important collection of "Documents et Pieces Authentiques hisses par Daniel Mania, President de la Republique de Venice" trans- lated from the original by M. F. Planet de la Faye, and published by Messrs. Fume and Co., Paris.
A contribution to the biography of Count Buffon, entitled "Des Manuscrits de Buffon, avec des fac-similes de Buffon et de sex col- loborateurs," has been brought out by M. P. Flourens, member of the French Academy, and Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences.
M. Rollin, Paris' has published an " Basal stir les Systemes Metriques et Monetaires des Anciens Peoples, depuis les Premiers temps Histo- riques jusqu' a la fin du Khalifat d'Orient," in three volumes, by Don Vasquez Queipo, commissioner of the Spanish Government for the intro- duction of a decimal system of coinage.
A French translation of the poems of Jacques Jasmin, the celebrated poet of Agen, the "Burns of France," has been issued by M. Firmin Didot, Paris. The same publisher is preparing for the press an " His- toire de rArt de Peindre et d'Orner les Livres, avant et depuis l'Invention de l'Imprimerie."
M. Dentu, Paris, has brought out a new work by Prince Henri de Valore, entitled " Une Triple Alliance centre l'Angleterre, rIslamisme et la Revolution ; " also a volume by Jules Gerard, the "lion-killer," called " Exploration du Sahara."
.A new work on the art of war among the ancient Romans, entitled " Cmsar's Gallischer Krieg, in Jahre 51 vor Christ° ; nebst Erliuterun- gen fiber der Romische Kriegswescn," by Baron A. von Mier, General in the service of Baden, has been published by M. Mobr, Heidelberg.
The second volume of the " Geschiehte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter" (History of the City of Rome during the Middle Ages), by Ferdinand Gregorovius, has been published by Messrs. Cotta and Co., Stuttgart. The contents include the annals of the city from the fall of the power of the Goths to the establishment of the Papal rule.
Professor Otto Struve, the celebrated Russian astronomer, has just published, in the new volume of the "Memoirs of the Imperial Academy at St. Petersburg," his observations taken at Pulkowa of the great comet of 1858.