Lint Arts. .
M. Alexandre Dumas, it is said, has been appointed Director of the Museum of Naples and of the excavations carried on at Pompeii. The Museum, which was known as the " Museo......
The Improvements And Restorations Going On In St. Paul's...
will add very much to the beauty of the magnificent interior. The organ and screen are to be removed, so that the whole of the choir and nave will be seen, and tho organ, which......
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 25. Bankropts. - OLIVER ALPRED SEAGOOD, and HENRY WILLIS S111121, Wellington Road, Holloway, builders-EDGAR Romany RAMAGE, Bond Court,......
Muir. -
The Norwich Festival, as we mentioned last week, was very success- ful. The ancient cathedral city was filled with visitors, not only from the neighbouring district, but .from......
The Great Art Exhibition Of Paris Is Now Officially...
for next year. During the months of May and June, artists of all nations are in- vited to send works in painting, sculpture, engraving, architecture, &c., to the extent of four......
Prices Ciirrent.
BRITISH .F UNDS, (Cloalng Prices.) FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) — French 6 11 ) .M. — Mexican 3 - - PerIllriall. 45 - -......