, The following line-of-battle ships, frigates, corvettes, and other steam- vessels compose the steam reserve in the Medway at diatharn, under the command of Captain C. F. Schonberg-
first Meeanee, _80, 400-horse ,power; ,the Phaeton, 51, 400-horse power ; the Oliallen„ear, 22, 400-horse power ; the Charybdis, 21, 400-horse power ; the Miranda, 13, 250-horse power ; and the gunboats Bullfrog, Carnation, Cochin, Griper, and 'Hasty, 'each of two guns, and GO-horse power. Second Dirision.-The Hood, 911 600-horse- power ; the Rodney, 91, 500-horse power ; the Waterloo, 91, 500-horse power ; the Goliath, 80, 400-horse power ; the Irresistible, 80, 400-horse power; the Severn, 61, 500-horse power ; the Galatea, 26, 800-horsepower; the Orestes, 21, 400- horse ;power ; the Orpheus, 21, 400-horse power ; the Malacca, 17, 200- horsepower ; the Thunder (floating battery), 14, 150-horse power; the Trusty (floatiug, battery), 14, 150-horse power ; the Horatio, 12,•250-horse power ; the Dragon, 6, 660 horse power ; the Victor, 6, 350-horse power ; the Griffon, 5, 80-horse powers the Plover, 5, 80-horse power ; the Race- horse, 4, 200-horse power; the Cormorant,' 4, 200-horse power ; and the gunboats Herring, Julia, and Misletoo. Third Division.-The Atlas, 91, 800-horse power; the Anson; 91, 800- horse power ; the Eurotns (mortar vessel), 12, 200-horse power; the Swal- low, 9, 60,horse power ; the , 220-horse power ; the Virago, 6, W
300-horse power: the Panderer 41, i00-horse. power ;. the Locust, 8, 100- horse-power ; and the gunboats Dwarf, Manly, Mastiff; Pelto, Spey, Sepoy, Surly, Thistle, Thrasher, Tickler, Linnet, and Pigeon.
. A letter in the Globe from Colonel Armstrong, a colonist, settled at Graham's Town, South Africa, describes one remarkable feature in the entry of Prince Alfred into that town- " Her Majesty will riot be displeased when she bears an account of part ofahe Prince's body-guard: seventeen ladies, well mounted, well equipped, and first-rate horsewomen, each wearing blue rosettes, with silver anchors, farmed his guard, a daughter of mine having had the honour to belong to this cores, which his Royal Highness named Prince Alfred's Owu Body Guards.'" Being a retired cavalryman, I thought I could not be more ho- nourably employed than in taking command of the lady corps. On our road out to meet his Royal Highness, I practised them in forming threes and wheeling into line, and fqund them a most willing and obedient escort. T formed them next his Royal Highness's escort of the Cape Mounted Rifles. They escorted him to the quarters provided for him at the Lieutenant- Governor's private residence ; there they were presented and received his most gracious acknowledgments."
Our readers may be glad to know that the Female School of Art, whose existence when in Gower Street was endangered by a threatened failure of the sinews of war, has been successful in overcoming tbo diffi- culties which beset it, thanks to the exertions of the indefatigable super- intendent and its many zealous friends. It is at present established at at 43, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury, and the prospectus, showing the in- struction afforded and the terms of admission, is now accessible to the public.
The Marquis d'Azeglio left town early in the week for Broatllands Park, on a visit to Lord and Lady Palmerston.
" Mr. Ellie, Minister of England to the King of Naples," says the Opinione Itratidnale, "has passed through Paris oil his way to London."
The English Minister at the Russian Court, Sir John Crampton, who had resided in Berlin for some days, returned to St. Petersburg on the 22d of September.
The Order of•the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Savoy has been conferred upon General Cialdini.
Prince Michael Obrenoviteh has issued a proclamation announcing that he matinee the government of See-via as hereditary prince. Tranquillity has not been disturbed.
_Prince Napoleon has been to Kingston, and, subsequently to Paisley in Scotland.
At Guelph, so runs the gossip, the Prince was sung to by twenty-nine young ladies, whom he rewarded by proxy, kissing the daughter of the Mayor for them all. Some wag called out "Largesse," and :in fun the
members of thseuiteAcattered eeins among the rustics, who graciously con- descended to piekAitetit up. ! •
The Earl of Derby has been confined to his bed at Knowsley Hall for the I at few days by an attack of gout. In consequence of the noble Earl's ill- lieu, the espousals of his daughter, Lady Emma Stanley, with Colonel Tal- b,t, which were to have taken place on Thursday, the 4th proximo, have been' phstponed for a week.—Liverpool Daily Post.
The Doavager Duchess Maria of Saxe Soburg-Gotha, died on the 24th, at Gethia •
Weliear-from Calcutta, August 22, that the Maharajah of Travancore died ou the 18th of August.
The Marquis de Forget, a retired naval officer, has just died in Purrs, in tha,seventy- first year of his age. Ile was son of a lieutenant-general who filled the post of Master of the Hawks under the ancient monarchy. The Marquis de Forgot, who was appointed Commander-in-chief of the port of Algiers afterits capture by the French army in 1830, was married to the granddaughter of the celebrated Jaques Casette, author of the Diabk Anwurcwn; and whose daughter attained great celebrity during the revolu-
tion. of-1789. -.
Sir prancis Desanges, Knight, who had been sheriff of London and Mid- dlesex, and also of Oxfordshire, died in the Queen's Prison last week of "natural causes." He had been en the prison four years.
Mr. Robert lticiekimiann, Prussian Consul at Liverpool, has destroyed Maisel? while labouring under a fit of temporary insanity.
News from Mr. Moffatt, the Zambezi Missionary, has been received at Cape Town to May 9. The prospects of the mission in the Matabele country were more favourable, but the old Ring still maintained a very provoking -attitude. Dr. Livingstone had not arrived in Linyanti up to the middle of April.
The Duke of Northumberland has offered 30,0001. to endow churches in the_pariah of Tynemouth, of which he is lay rector. It is supposed that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners will build three new churches.
Madame Mario, formerly Jesse White, Alexandre Dumas, Ledru-Rollin, and Joseph Mazzini, are reported to have been among the recent arrivals at Naples.
The Passe of Vienna states that the two lordships of Lissa and Benalek, in Bohemia, formerly the property of Count Thun and the Prince of Rohan, have been purchased by the Duke of Tuscany.
Tho Milan Gaztte annotmees that the Austrian Government has inter- dicted the passage of diligences and public conveyances from Milan to Man- tua by way of Cremona, over the territory which is still subjected to Austria.
The official Gazette of Vienna of the 14th published a decree, calling on 124 persons belonging to the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom to return to their country before the 16th of October, under pain of having all their property confiscated.
A letter from Madrid says that Spain has now 16,000 kilometres, or about 300 leagues of railway open ; 400 leagues conceded and constructing t and the Government is authorized, by various laws, to grant concessions for 400 others. It is calculated, according to the letter in question, that in twelve years' time there will be about 1200 leagues of railway open in Spain.
The railway between Dunaburg and Willie was traversed by a locomotive for the first time on the 16th.