It is reported that cholera is again spreading in North
London, but the last weekly return shows a decrease in the total mortality from the disease, the deaths having receded from 182 to 160, while those from diarrhcea are 98 against 110. The excessive rain seems to have had less effect in arresting cholera than usual, but the real wonder, considering what London is, is how the disease ever dis- appears at all. It was stated at a public meeting in Bethnal Green on Thursday that the water companies refuse water to the poor between noon on Saturday and noon on Monday. They were asked to grant a supply on Saturday evening during the sick time, and of course refused. Yet Parliament will not take a-step towards the extinction of these odious monopolies, or the supply of water gratis, or the purification of the paid,for dole. It is lucky .air is not saleable, for the liouse. of Commons would in- falliblyimvest some compare/ or other with &monopoly of it, and thervietithe company kill asmany people asit liked.