By Far The Best Criticism On Sir S. Baker's Letter—a
briefer but almost equally effective note on the subject from a negro appears to-day in another column, —was the reply of "Jacob Omninm" in the Pall Mall Gazette of last......
It Is Reported That Cholera Is Again Spreading In North
London, but the last weekly return shows a decrease in the total mortality from the disease, the deaths having receded from 182 to 160, while those from diarrhcea are 98 against......
It Is Believed That The Differences Which Impeded The...
of Venetia have all been removed, Italy giving way somewhat about boundary, and Austria about money. Italy is not to have the northern shore of the Lake of Garda, or to accept......
Trouble Is Expected At Rome From The Excessive Financial...
sure. The Bank of Rome no longer changes its.bills, and money is not to be had, except at a sacrifice of from 10 to 11 per cent. There is talk of an issue of inconvertible......
Atritbsurd Story Is Going.the Remind. Of The Papers About A
con- stitution to be granted to his subjects by the Paeha of Egypt. It is to be on the French plan, with universal suffrage, Council of State, limited right of debate, and all......
Who Composed That Overpowering Eloquence Poured Forth On...
at the Reform meeting.on Monday at Manchester, and which Mr. B4ght endured like a hero, without more than the faintest indication of a desire to smile ? We could scarcely find......
Mr. Beecher Has Published A Second Letter, In Which He
may be said to have " hedged " on the subject of the breach between the President and the Congress. He is not, he says, a "John- son man." He goes a certain way with Mr.......
Sir Samuel Baker Has Been, We Find, Greatly Shocked By
the malignity of the critics who have commented on his discursive and irrelevant letter concerning the negro of Central Africa, and is now so convinced of the wickedness of the......
The Reeeipta For Messages By The American Cable; Are -stated
officially to reach 1,0001. a day, which amount may be consider- ably increased by a lower tariff.......
Mr. C. J. O'donel, Stipendiary Magistrate In Dublin,has...
the world a rare example of Irish justice. A boy of-three and a half was brought before him on Saturday, chargedewith begging in the public streets. It was .not alleged that-......