2 APRIL 1842, Page 20


Tuesday, March 29.


Stabbing and Clemow, Holborn, woollendrapers—Storey and Elder, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, hosiers —Jacksou and Holland. Birmingham, lead-merchants—Moore and Wilkinson, Goodman's Fields, wheelwrights—Tilt and Sansom, Islington, portable jelly manufacturers—Robinson and Rogers, South Stockton-upon-Tees, timber-

merchants -Sowry and Otley. Leeds. pawnbrokers-Edwards and Cracroft, Worcester. engravers-Bennett and George. Stowe. innkeepers-E. B. and M. Read. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, carpenters-J. and J. Lester. Bath. timbermerchants-Tunstill and Ifiworth, Burnley, cottou•spinuers-Risbton and Ratcliffe, Heddlesden, Lancashire, cotton.spinners-Gilpin and Holmes. Liverpool. general dealers-Johnson and North, Huddersfield. cloth-merchants-Owen and H Mich. Newington, drapers-Martin and Stephens, Chelsea, liuendrapers-J. and G. Moorhonse, Holmffith, cloth- manufac. tuners-Fawcett and Co. Jewin Street, attornies ; as far as regards B. W. Rawlings.


BROWN. Getmos, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Place. bricklayer, March 26. HOOPER. Witmer', Reading, tobacco-manufacturer, Feb. 12.


CROWE, Jontr, Sunderland, innkeeper, to surrender April 14, May 10 : solicitors. Shield and Harwood, Queeu Street, Cheapside; and Mr. Presto, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. lhaseiaraz. Ionic, and Poet, SAMUEL. Manchester, calico-printers, April 13. May 10: solicitors. Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Sale and Worthiug- ton, Manchester.

Ducxerr, Hewer. Ramsgate, builder, April 6. May 10: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co. New Boswell Court ; and Messrs. Daniel. Ramsgate.

FRANKLAND, Ewe/Las-rm. Reading. innkeeper. April 11. May 10: solicitors, Mr. Hill, Throgmorton Street ; and Messrs. Weedon and Slocombe, Reading. GLADSTONE, SAMUEL PALMER. Crisp Street, Poplar, shipwright, April 7. May 10: solicitors. Gole, Lime Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. KILSBY, Jazzier, Reade, Northamptonshire. shoemaker, April 8, May 10: solicitors. Mr. Lowe. Staple Inn: and Mr. Becks, Northampton. Maxims, SAmort., Dover, clop-seller, April 11, May 10: solicitor. Mr. Bass, Dover. MARTIN, ROBERT, Beetles, carpenter, April 12, May 10: solicitors, Messrs. Francis and Son, Monument Yard; and Mr. Read, Halesworth.

Scarr. THOMAS, Barnwood. brickmaker, April 11, May 10: solicitors, Mr. Baylis, Devonshire Square; and Messrs. Winterbuttom and Thomas, Tewkesbury. Spurn. EDWARD, Southampton, grocer, April 9, May 10: solicitor, Mr. Sandell, Bread Street.

TILL, EDWARD, Worcester, butcher, April 5. May 10: solicitors, Messrs. Becks and Flower, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Hill, London.

WILD, Samuel., Manchester, coal-dealer, April 22, May 10: solicitors, Mr. Wright. New Inn; and Mr. Taylor, Manchester, WILLIAMS, CHARLES JAMES. and NEVILL, EDWARD, Birmingham, factors. April 6, May 10: solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Sun, Bedford Row ; Messrs. Unett and Sone, and Mr. Suckling, Birmingham. DIVIDENDS. April 19, Fenner and Hobson, London Street. corn-factors-April 19. Ewbanke, Crawford Street, Marylebone, draper-April 19, Wright. London, coffin-furniture- dealer-April 19, Smallfield, Newgate Street, printer-April 19, Lloyd, Coventry Street, bootmaker-April 19. Crosswell and May, wiue-merchants-April 21, Denyer, High Street. Southwark. tailor -April 21, J. and T. Brook, Stourbridge, drapers-April 20, Jones, Friday Street, liuen-warehouseman-April 19, M•Lean, Poland Street, up- holsterer-April 21, G. and G. Evans, High Street, Southwark, hop-merchauts -April 19, Beauvais, John Street, Berkeley Square, wine-merchant-April 20, Brown, Oxford Street, china.dealer-April 20, Stccking, Paternoster Row. bookseller-April 20, M'Kinlay and Marr, Silver Street, City, rectifiers-April 20, A. and W. M. Oppen- Reim, Mansell Street, timber-merchants-April 21, Straker, West Straud, bookseller - April 21, Schofield, Kiugston.upon-Thames, coal-merchant-April 27, Baker, Sidmnuth, brewer - April 19, Tempest, Clayton Heights, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-April 21. Mann, Leeds, army-cootractors -April 25, Hadfield, Manchester, horse-dealer-April 22, Swift and Crompton. Manchester, drapers-April 19, Molineux senior, Liverpool, professor of music-April 26. Young, Newport, Monmouthshire, ship-builder-April 22, Moliueux, Manchester, victualler.


Tube granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 19. H. and E. W. Trent, Oldford, Bow, rope.makers-Tarbotten. Liverpool, chemist - Brown, Sheffield. timber-merchant-Radford and Co. Manchester, Ironfounders- Farmer, Basinghall Street. woollen manufacturer- Ogbourne, Honey Lane, commis. sion-agent-Anton and Mitchell, Mark Lane, corn-factors.


HENDERSON. Dynasts. Cambridge, near Airdrie. ironmonger, April 1, 29. Phenol., Jour; PUINGLE, Glasgow, insurance-broker. April 5, 29. RANKINE. ADAM, Kirkcudbright, merchant, April 5, 26. STIVEN, ROBERT, Glasgow, merchant, April 2, 22.

Friday, April 1.


Gavelle and Webster, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, copperplate-printers-J. and A. Saxon, Ashton under-Line, cotton-spinners-Butler and Fisher,Witrigs, Lancashire, iron.ore.merchants-Jay and Egg, Whitechapel Road, linen.drapers-E. and W. Tom- kius, Newport Paguel, plumbers-Ward and Co. hat-manufacturers-Sweetland and Coekeram, Ebford, Devomhire, lime-burners-Sadler trod Co. Ironmonger Lane, Irish linen-factors-R. and R. Lee, Brighton, schoolmasters-Twentyman and Thompson, Friday Street. Scotch and Manchester warehousemen -Smith and Good. Bridport, mil- liners-Mason and Levan, Birkenhead. Cheshire, slaters-Collins and Gripper, Sal- ford, common-brewers-Bourne and Wortham. Manchester, letterpress-printers-Win - ter and Farmer. South Place, Pimlico, coal-merchauts-Browu and Rat mood, St. Saviour's Churchyard, sealing-wax-manufacturers-S. and J. Wood, Birmingham, coach-spring-manufacturers-Allen and Matthews, Uffiugtou, Shropshire. lime-burners -Taylor and Bingham, Bradford. Yorkshire, wool merchants-Waddington and Cros- laud, Bradford. Yorkshire, iron-founders-Middleton and Co. Birmingham, linen- drapers-Shuttleworth and Heap, Burnley, Lancashire, ironmongers-Ramsey and Carrington, Devonport. newspaper-proprietors- Claughton and Co. Chesterfield. wine- merchants; as far as regards Gratton-Allbut and Kennedy, Northwood. Staffordshire, newspaper-proprietors -Combes and Bracher, Ogbourne St. Andrew,Wiltshire, farmers -Stockwell and Umfrey, Brill. Buckinghamshire, linendrapers-.1. and W. Glover, Worcester, chemists-Davies and Morgan, Queen Street, City, sole consignees of Welsh -ale -Fox and Co. Sheffield, engineers; as far as regards Aston-Mactle and Lamb, Liverpool, plumbers. INSOLVENTS. CROSSFIELD, ABRAHAM. Whitechapel Road, scrivener, March 30. GOODMAN, CHARLES, Northampton, cutler, March 31.

PYNE, PETER, Crooked Lane Chambers, City, provision-broker, March 31. WALLWORTH, JOSEPH and THOMAS, Manchester, corn-dealers, April 1.


BLAxe, Jonsr, Bridge Street, Westminster, wine-merchant, to surrender April 6, May 13: solicitor, Mr. Dimmock, Skinner's 'Place, Size Lane; official assignee, Mr. John- son. Basinghall Street.

CARR, WILLIAM and JOHN CouLL. Sunderland, merchants, April 14, May 13: soli- citors, Messrs. Cuvelje and Co. Southampton Buildings ; and Messrs. Keeulyside and Hark, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. FowELL, FRANCIS KIRKHAM, and CRAUFURD, EDMUND THOMAS, Boulognesur-Mer, wine-merchants, April 8, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Pering and Co. Lawrence Pouut- ney Place; official assignee. Mr. Penuell, Basiughall Street. Gauge, SAMUEL, Brydges Street, fishmonger, April 7, May 13: solicitor, Mr. Lewes, Albany ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. HILLYARD, BAILEY, Bristol. freestone merchant, April 9, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inu Fields ; and Mr. Smith. Bristol.

JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER. Clitheroe, joiner, April 22, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. John. son and Co. Temple; and Mr. Hall, Clitheroe. JadtaeTr, ARTHUR, Castle Street. Southwark, hat-manufacturer, April 15, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Sheppard and Co. Cloak Laue ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street.

LINSTEAD, ELIZABETH, Liverpool, pawnbroker. Apr:1 16, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Toulmin, Staple Inn ; and Mr. Norris, Liverpool. MORRISON, Gizmos, Nottingham, lace manufacturer, April 8, May 13: solicitors. Taylor and Collissou, Great James Street. Bedford Row; and Mr. Hurst, Nottingham. Narrea, James, Cambridge, miller, April2E, May 13: solicitors. Messrs. Harris and Sumpter, Cambridge; and Messrs. Sharpe, Field, and Jackson. Bedford Row.

Tearer, Malaria, Cheltenham, common-brewer, April 11, May 13: solicitors, Mr. Boodle, Cheltenham ; and Messrs. Blower and Virard, Lincolu's Inn Fields. Vicxxas, WILLIAM, Manchester, ironfounder, April 23, May 13: solicitors. Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Crossley and Sudlow, Manchester.

WASWYAFF, SAMUEL, Saddleworth, grocer, April 23, May 13: solicitors, Mr. Wathen, St. Swithin's Lane; and Mr. Johnson, Manchester.

WINDER. Thomas, Lancaster, ironmonger, April 18, May 13 solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Messrs. Baldwin, Lancaster. Warmer, JOHN. Wolverhampton, grocer. April 13, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Bennett, Wolverhampton.


April 22, Palmer, Upper Whiteeross Street, carpenter-April 25, Thomson, Leaden- hall Street, merchant-April 25, Van den Elide, London Wall, wool-rnerchant -April

23. Mott. Pall Mall, pianoforte-maker-April 23. Knight, Southampton. cabinet- maker-April 27, Gorst, Liverpool. coach-manufacturer-April 25. St. Germain's. Cornwall, cornfactor -May 20, Gidden, Farringdon. Berkshire, victualler-April 26. Poramore, Devonport, merchant-April 28, Oliver, Nottingham. hosier-April 29. Jones, Birmingham. leather-seller-May 3, Armitage and Greenwood, Northowram. Yorkshire, shift-manufacturers-April 25, Hilton, Manchester. cotton-manufacturer- May 5, Turner. 011erton. Nottinghamshire. farmer-April 25, Dawson. Hanley, corn. dealer--April 25, Ford, Hanley. grocer-May 5, Spencer, Momgate. Nottinghamshire. tanner-April 15. Petrie, Liverpool, shipwright.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April22. Owen. Conway. Carnarvonshire, innkeeper-Cantor, Upper Moutagu Street, mer. chant-Daly. lied Lion Square, bookseller - Dyer, Cowper's Row. Tower Hill, w Me- merchant -Freeland, Worcester. innkeeper-Waters. Newport. iron-manufacturer- Sunderland. Huddersfield. dealer in cotton warps-Spears, Fleet Street. laceman- Matthews and Gardner, Cheltenham. grocers.


GREIRSON, Davin, Enterkinfoot, Dumfriesshire. innkeeper, April 8, 29. hi' NAM, JAMES. Glasgow, timber-merchant, April 6.28. WATSON, Joan', Kirriemuir, watchmaker. April 9.30.