The Packet-ship Sheffield Brings Intelligence From New...
16th March. Previous advices had made us aware of the arrest of one Hogan, at Lockport, on a charge of being concerned in the Caroline affair. Hogan, say the Albany papers, made......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, March 28th. Ann and Jane, Rigby. from China ; 29th, Tyrer, Shadwell, from Bengal ; 30th, Mary Gray, M'Kenzie, from Moulmein ; April 1st, Ann, Griffiths ;......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The rumours of a reduction of the French Army have produced a favourable impression upon the prices of our Funds, and the quotations of today......
Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...
Bank of England, from the 4th January 1842 to the 29th March 1842— LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Circulation £16,952,000 Securities £22,586,000 Deposits 8,657,000 Bullion 6,125,000......
The Paris Presse States, On What It Deems Good Authority,
that M. de Bulow, the Prussian Ambassador at Frankfort, would succeed Count de Ma ltzan in the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia.......
Derby Was Visited Yesterday By An Alarming Flood ; Which
was sub- siding, however, when the accounts left the place, and the streets were then passable for carriages. Great damage was done to buildings, to furniture, and to carts and......
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 28th February. at Athens, the Lady of FREDERICK STRONG, Esq., Consul at that,capital for Bavaria and Hanover. of a son. On the 23d March, at Sible Hedingham,......