On the 28th February. at Athens, the Lady of FREDERICK STRONG, Esq., Consul at that,capital for Bavaria and Hanover. of a son. On the 23d March, at Sible Hedingham, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES BURNEY. of a daughter. Ou the 25th, at Leigh Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT Eon/. of a daughter. On the 25th, at Edinburgh, the Lady of WILLIASI MAXWELL, Esq., (younger,) of Car• doness. of a sou.
Ou the 26th, at Lynn, Mrs. J. C. Wir.r.rasts, of a son. On the 27th, at Pakenhum Lodge. Suffolk, the Lady of Thomas Tnomenux junior, a son.
On the 27th, at Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, the Lady of GEORGE Mims% Esq., of Esq., of a daughter. Ou the 28th, in Carlton Gardens. the Lady MARIAN ALFORD, of a son and heir. Ou the 28th, in Hyde Park Gardens, the Lady of Joint Suave LETEVRE, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 10th January, at Darjeeling. G. F. COCKBURN, Esq.. Bengal Civil Service, son of the Hon. Lord Cockburu, to SAHA!" Outworn, youngest daughter of the late Colonel S. P. Bishop. Bengal Army. On the 234 March, at St. Andrew's, ROBERT MAIDSTONE SMITH. Esq., M.D., Oxon, to JANE ANNE, only daughter of Dr. Mudie, St. Andrew's. On the 29th, at Escrick, CONSTANTINE YEOMAN, Esq., to MARY, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Crigan. Rector of the above place. Ou the 29th, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square. the Rev. EDWARD Moose, son of the Rev. George Moore, I'rebendary of Canterbury, to the Lady HARRIET MONTAGU Scorn, youngest sister of the Duke of Buccleuch. On the 29th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON, Esq., son of the late George Robertson, Esq.. of Beoholme Castle, North Britain .to MARY, daughter of the Very Rev. the Dean of Carlisle.
On the 29th, at Chatteris, Wictram Rene= CHAPMAN. Esq., youngest son of Aaron Chapman. Esq„ M.P., to CAROLINE SARAH, eldest daughter of John Fryer, Esq., of the former place.
On the 29th, at Gloucester. WILLIAM Wroonv, second sou of T. Wiggiu. Esq. of Harley Street. London. to FRANCES EMMA RICE, daughter of the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Gloucester. On the 29th. at St. Marylebone, Ric:maim LUTHER WAINON, Esq., of Calgarth Park, Westmoreland, to Louisa Aims, only daughter of the Rev. Francis Hawkius Cole, of Peterley House, Bucks. On the 30th, at St. Pancras Church. Hewer Jcarsrsow, Esq., of March, Cambridge. shire, to LUCTCAR.ormrs, eldest daughter of William Henry Pollard, Esq., of Avranchee. Normandy.
On the am, at Northiam, Sussex. EDWARD Youwae. of the Middle Temple, and of Lincoln's Inn. Barrister-at-law, to Emu., youngest daughter of the late Rev. James Collins, LL.D., of Northiam. On the 30th, at St. Margaret's, Rochester, the Rev. ALLEN COOPER. M.A., Minister of St. Mark's, North Audley Street. to Haarorr Glues, youngest daughter of the late Sir John Gregory Shaw, Bart., of Kenward, Kent.
On the 31st. at Great Yarmouth. the Rev. JACOB Nolen, M.A., Vicar of Carbrooke, to liewatErra MARIA, eldest daughter of Benjamin Dawson. Esq., of Yarmouth. On the 31st, at St. Luke's, Chelsea. the Rev, T. Tunstall Smith, M.A., 'Vicar of Whaplode, Liucolushire, and private chaplain to Viscount Ferried, to LUCY MART, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Le Blauc, of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. On the 31st, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Hon. °crayon DONCOMBE, M.P., to the Lady EMILY CAROLINE CAMPBELL, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Cawdor.
On the 31st, at St. James's Church, WILBRAHAM TAYLOR. Esq., fifth son of Edward Taylor. Esq., formerly of Bifrons. Kent, to JAKETre ANNE, youngest daughter of Sir William Gusset. K.C.H., &c. &c.
At Bombay, ARCHIBALD H. HOPE, Esq.,Third Madras Cavalry, to CAROLINE, daughter of the late Lieut-Geu. Sir Richard Jones.
On the 20th March, at Vaynol St. Asaph, the Rev. Thomas Wicents ; inhis75th year. Ou the 21st, at Langton Matravers, Dorset, the Rev. SAMUEL SERRELL, formerly Vicar of St. Cuthbert's, Wells; In his 80th year. On the 25th, at his residence, Brunswick Square, Brighton, Sir RALPH Goes, Bart. ; in his 83d year. On the 27th, at Courtown, the seat of the Earl of Courtown, Mermen, Wife of the Hon. and Venerable Archtleacou Stopfurd, and daughter of the late W. Browse, Esq.. of Browne's Hill. Carlow ; in her 39th year. On the 27th. at his seat, Weary, Gloucestershire, Jona Can, Esq., an old and re- spected Magistrate for the county of Gloucester ; in his 77th year. On the 28th. Femmes, Widow of the late Samuel Sellwood, Esq„ of the Abbey House, Abingdon, Berks; in her 78th year. On the 28th. at Weymouth, CAROLINE FRANCES EurAerrn, eldest daughter of Lord and Lady William Somerset ; in her 27th year. On the 28th. at Kensingtun, CATHERINE, Widow of the late George Mateham, Esq., of Ashfuld Lodge, county of Sussex, and only surviving sister of We late Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, K.B. On the 31st, at Oxford, the Hon. JOHN ST. Ct.ant, B.A., of Christchurch College, oungest son of Lord Sinclair ; iu his 224 year.
At the Manse of Nesting. Shetland, Mrs. blears, Widow of the Rev. John Inches, Minister of that parish ; in her 102d year.