Another first-claw steamer has been very ably wrecked. There is
a reef at the entrance of Queenstown harbour which has for years been the opprobrium of the port, and is very nearly as well known as the Eddystone. The City of New York, however, a regular packet of the Inman line, was early on Tuesday morning steaming into the harbour at a speed of fourteen miles an hour, and ran right upon the rock, where she remains. She remained upright, but the water rose in her at once to the sea level, the fires were put out, and the passengers were only saved by the force with which she had jammed herself on the rock. The explanation offered of the occurrence is that Captain Kennedy, a very able officer, tried in the bright moonlight to make a short cut, and was deceived by a shadow ; but it does not seem very satisfactory. A speed of fourteen miles an hour, kept up when going by moonlight through a short cut in a channel between two rocks not a mile and a half apart, is very risky work.