2 APRIL 1864, page 3

The Indian Legislative Council Has Passed A Bill To...

flogging with a rattan in cases of second conviction for almost all short sentences. The arguments for the change are various, the strongest being the excessive demoralization......

The Boston Courier Publishes A Lengthy And Apparently...

of an attempt made by a Mr. Finney to enlist Irish labourers for the New England railroads, carry them to Boston, and sell them to the agents for the conscription. The plan......

Rumours Are Spreading Rapidly Of An Insurrection...

grand scale in the Danubian provinces. The princes of libido- Wallachia, Servia, and Montenegro are said to have come to an agreement, and they can place among them a fairly......

So Bad Is Now The State Of Rome That, According

to the Post, the Princess Corsini, desiring to attend a reception st the Colonna Palace, and wishing to wear her jewels, was compelled to demand an escort of the Papal Dragoon......

On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 91f, Ft For

money, and 91i, I for account. Yesterday the latest quotations showed no alteration. For the May account the price was 911, 92.......

The Clyde Engineering And Iron Shipbuilding Company Has...

this week, with a capital of 500,000/., in shares of 501. each. It has been formed with the object of purchasing and ex- tending the valuable and old-established business of......

Bonelli's Electric Telegraph Company's Shares Have Marked...

prem. ; and National Provincial Marine, 1 to 1} prem.......

The Japanese Envoys Who Visited London Last Year Have Pub-

lished the diary they kept,- and we trust some English publisher will have the spirit to obtain a literal translation. The account which is going the round of the papers does......

The Rev. Archer Gurney, A Gentleman With Whom We Ourselves

have had some little controversy, has written a letter to the Oxford (Committee on the subject of the two new articles which they are compelling English clergymen to sign. It is......

A Correspondent Of The Times States That The Old Miracle

plays are still acted at Monaco, which is now French territory. He saw the performance himself on Good Friday, and appears to have been about equally interested and horrified.......

A Correspondent From Brunswick Draws Our Attention To A...

in the account of morganatic marriages given in our article on "Royal Family Alliances," in the supplement to the Spectator, January 2, 1864. The Duke William of......

Annexed Is A Comparison Of Yesterday's Closing Prices Of The

leading Foreign Securities, with the latest quotations of Thursday week :— Thursday, March 24. Friday, April 1. Greek 231 .. 261 Do. Coupons .. 114 Mexican 451 451 Spanish......