Garibaldi left Gibraltar for England on the 29th of March,
on board the mail steamer Ripon. He will arrive at Southampton, therefore, on Wednesday or Thursday, where he will be received by the Mayor and Town Council. He goes at once, it would seem, to the Isle of Wight. The arrangements for his reception in London are advancing, but they do not seem to be in very good hands, the usual leaders in such movements holding back. If some recognized authority of some kind does not assume control of the movement there will be a catastrophe yet. The Government does not understand the charm Garibaldi's name has for the work- ing men, or the horror in which it is held by a single class, the lower Irish. If Sir George Grey will just glance at the pages of the Tablet and the Nation he will understand the possibility of a riot such as London has not seen for years. It will not do this time for the police to rely on the willingness of Englishmen to be threatened in their own capital, or for Sir R. Mayne to lecture the people on the propriety of attending to their own business.