The Trade and Revenue Returns for the year have been
published, and are really most extraordinary. The total amount after all re- missions of taxation is 70,208,963/., against 70,603,561/. last year, and as Mr. Gladstone demanded only about 67,200,0001., he has a surplus of nearly two millions and a half. This result has been pro- duced in spite of a remission of the income-tax to the amount of 1,483,000/., and of the great reduction on tea, by the steady rise in /- every other branch of the revenue. The excise, for example, has
yielded a million and a half above last year ; stamps, 323,0001.; the Post Office, 160,000/. more ; and "miscellaneous," 282,000/. It appears to be generally supposed that Mr. Gladstone will employ any means at his disposal—a point on which the surplus of the past year is no guide—in taking another penny from the income- tax, and a modification of the sugar duties.