2 APRIL 1881, Page 19


Bremner ; or, Two Months in the Highlands. By "L. R. L." (S. Tinsley and Co.)—The heroine of these two volumes is a Scotch lassie, possessing the most enthusiastic admiration for whatever belongs to 'her native land, who relates the every-day life of a couple of months spent in the neighbourhood of Braemar, and how she gradually dis- .covered that the hero had succeeded in conquering her heart. One or two sighing swains and their adored objects are introduced, to enliven the scene ; but the greater part of Braemar is composed of word. paintings of scenic effects, and though some of these descriptions are graceful and pretty, yet we get a great deal too much of them ; and they want to be relieved by incidents, of which there are none. The author should remember that there is a medium between producing a violently sensational novel, and one which is all still life, with nothing more exciting than accounts of scenery, picnics, expeditions, and rather tame conversations. " L. E. L.'s " work is fresh and perfectly wholesome, but we cannot say we have found much in it, or think it very amusing.