2 APRIL 1881, page 3

Mr. Bradlaugh Has Lost His Appeal, The Judges Having Decided

that the Act of 1869 did not exempt Mr. Bradlaugh from the obligation of taking an oath in the House of Com- mons, as he was not among the class of persons affected by that......

Mr. Carbutt Made Out A Strong Case On Wednesday For

the closing of public-houses. during the day of an election, but injured the case for his Bill by excepting from its provisions both London—which certainly ought not to be......

Mr. Chamberlain Made A Mistake On Tuesday In Trying To

get the Thames River Bill through as a private Bill. Unquestionably it was a bill which raised important principles, and principles which it was desirable that Parliament should......

On Tuesday, Mr. Ashton Dilke Brought Forward In The House

of Commons an abstract resolution in favour of the immediate introduction of a decimal system of coinage and decimal weights and measures. In reply, Mr. Chamberlain made a very......

The State Of Ireland Is In Some Respects Better, Though

not by any means all that might be hoped. Lord Justice Fitz- gibbon, at Galway yesterday week, commented on the great increase of crime, as compared with the beginning of last......

The Temperance Movement Appears To Be Making A Real...

on the consumption of alcoholic drinks in England. In the Times of Tuesday, Mr. Hoyle has . shown that the con- sumption of beer, wine, and spirits during the year.1880 has......

It Is Affirmed With Very Little Reserve That Should The

French. Government settle its difficulties with the Bey of Tunis by assuming the regency of the State, Great Britain will not be in a position to interfere. When Cyprus was......

On Tuesday Also Mr. Leatham Brought In His Resolution...

the simoniacal evasions of the law of the Church in rela- tion to the purchase and sale of benefices, and illustrated the evils arising from these evasions by the evidence......

Consols Were On Friday 99/,. To 100.
