Ayoub Khan, of Herat, is experiencing the usual fate of
des feated Asiatics. The Heratees and Candaharees in his service. consider that he ought to have conquered Candahar, and as he did not, have risen against him, and besieged him in his citadel. According to a late rumour, credited by the Viceroy on March 30th, he had been taken prisoner, and will, of course, be put to death, or possibly, being of the blood of Dost Mahommed, " suicided." If the insurgents have a strong leader, he will proclaim his independence, and make terms. with Abdurrahman Mien; but if not, they will probably submit, and accept a chief from Cabul. Abdurrahmans is sending 4,000 men to Candahar, and if he can obtain both that city and Herat, he will have gathered up the entire Dourauee inheritance, and be, according to local ideas, a great and successful Prince. He is said to be pursuing the old Otto-- man policy, and killing out any descendants of Dost Mahommecl that he can lay his hands on. Tho Afghan feeling is that they should not be caught.