liTARSHAL MACMAHON has prorogued the French in Assembly till the 5th of November, in a very quiet and even dignified Message, in which he assures the Members that he can maintain public order, and congratulates them upon the confidence with which they honour the Ministry they have given him. To this harmony the great law on military reorganisation is mainly due. He mentions that the foreign occupation will speedily cease, and admits, in courteous, soldierlike fashion, that " his predecessor had powerfully contri- buted, by successful negotiations, to prepare the way for it." On that great day, France will consult her dignity, and abstain from noisy manifestations little suited to the sacrifices which brought her peace, "a peace which is now her first necessity." France placed in complete possession of herself will be even more capable of maintaining with all Powers sincerely friendly relations. The language of this Message is admitted even by the Left as a pledge that there will be no coup d'etat during the Recess, though they have formed a Committee to watch the Committee of the Assembly and all public affairs.