Legislative Restrictions On Women's Labour. [to Tile...
"SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Will you allow me a few lines in which to criticise, not the conclusions to which Miss Boucherett has come respecting Mr. Mundella's and Sir John Lubbock's......
Disestablishment In Ireland. [to The Editor Of The...
say in your notice of the British Quarterly Review on Disestablishment, that " the Irish Church, by the voluntary action of its clergy in commuting, secured half of its property......
Mr. Wyatt-edgell's Poems.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—A notice of my poems appeared in your impression of last Saturday, and you honoured me by quoting at length one of the stanzas in "......
THE STATE OF ENGLISH POETRY.* THE current number of the Quarterly Review contains an article on the above subject, supplementary, as it would seem, to' one published at the......
The Abolition Of Purchase.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—The remarks made in the Spectator of last week on the Duke of Richmond's motion in the House of Lords are so calculated to prejudice the......