Mr. Gladstone on Tuesday introduced a resolution granting the Duke
of Edinburgh on his marriage with the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia £25,000 a year, and the Grand Duchess a widow's jointure of £6,000 a year. As regards the Duke, a provision is to be inserted enabling the Crown and Parliament to cancel or reduce the amount on his accession to the German Princi- pality. There was no real opposition of any kind, but Mr. Taylor gave notice that he should move to reject the vote, and one curious scene occurred. Mr. Holt tried to raise the reli- gious question, but the House positively yelled at him, and even Mr. Newdegate could not get a moment's hearing. There is very little to distinguish the Greek Church from the Catholic, except as regards some inexplicable mysteries ; but then the former sets up no human being as infallible, and has never burnt anybody on English soil. There is no tradition of hate as regards the Greek Church, and no immediate fear of her telling people what they ought to believe.