THE Conference on Egyptian Finance had come to no decision yesterday, but it is hoped that one will be announced to-day. The rumour is that England has proposed a temporary three years' Budget, and that in case of deficit a reduction of I per cent. on the interest of the Egyptian Debt is to be conceded. France,—who has all along been the great friend of the 'bondholders,—is the chief obstacle to the plan proposed ; but it is probable that France will yield to pressure, if for no other reason, because she will fear that, by standing out and defeating the Conference, she will play into the hands of England. Germany has somewhat oddly proposed, during -the last week, to bring the sanitary condition of Egypt before the Conference, which Lord Granville, of course, firmly declined, on the very simple ground that it was not included in the objects of the Conference. Count Miinster's proposal indicated, it has been conjectured, some diplomatic approximation between Ger- many and France on the Egyptian question.