King's Lynn And Redistribution.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is it possible to gather from the King's Lynn incident any hints as to Lord Salisbury's plan of Redistribution P King's Lynn, with 2,950......
Lto The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR,—Yon ask in your last week's Spectator,—"Now, what example could Lord Salisbury produce of the House of Lords ever accelerating the sluggishness of the Commons, willing, as......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sia,—My words have indeed concealed my thoughts when you have understood me to mean by "the surrender, voluntary or enforced, of the independent legislative power of the Lords,"......
Studies In Ecclesiastical History. [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—In your friendly review of my book you demur to two of my statements of historical fact, and as the point at issue, in one case, is of grave importance, both on historical......
Reform Of The Lords.
[To THB EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sta,—The Liberal Party, I believe, has never once during the last sixty years failed to carry, sooner or later, any great reform which it has......
"legislation By Picnic." .
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin, — Lord Salisbury has received fall credit for the coinage of a somewhat happy phrase—a valuable political weapon in the present day ;......