Mr. Mundella also made a great Reform speech at Sheffield
on Saturday in the drill-hall, instead of in Paradise Square, where he was to have spoken, in order that there might be shelter from the pouring rain. Mr. Mundella was almost as happy in hie quotation from Shakespeare as Mr. Bright was in his use of Dickens. It seemed, he said, that the Tories had been suffering all this time from suppressed love of the franchise. They had
voted steadily against it, but only to conceal their passion for it. They reminded him of the lady in Twelfth Night :— " She never told her love,
Bat let concealment, like a worm i' the bad, Feed on her damask cheek."
Lord Salisbury called the present House of Commons a servile one ; but certainly it had never been servile to him, while he had three times eaten the leek which the House of Commons had presented to him.