Sir Stafford Northcote chimed in with his assurance that the
House of Lords is a mere guarantee for securing the will of the people ; and with his comparison of the indignation expressed at the House of Lords for using its constitutional power, to the indignation expressed at the War Office during the Crimean War that a company of sappers and miners should have ventured to test their weapons 'before leaving home, and so to prove that they were worthless. Surely that is rather an ill-omened comparison for Sir Stafford North- cote. Does he mean that the House of Lords is testing its weapons, and showing that they are worthless P If he does, per-
haps he is not so far wrong, but it is hardly a matter for Con- servatives at the present nalment to boast of. Amongst other things, Sir Stafford sneered at the London demonstration of Monday week as made up of persons paid 8s. per head—which we venture to say he does not himself believe.