Si,—An appeal is being sent out to old Haileyburians to become members of a Guild that is being formed in pursuance of a resolution passed at a meeting on July 7th. In case,. however, of the appeal failing to reach all concerned, I venture to trespass on your space to state quite briefly the outline of the scheme.
Any old Haileyburian may become a member on payment of 58. per annum, or £5 down, accompanied by an expression of sympathy with the objects of the Guild.
It is proposed to begin by finding work in Stepney, for men who can give up one or more evenings a week to some work among the people, which shall be allotted by the Council, in the hope that such personal contact will be found to be both beneficial and interesting to men with unemployed. evenings on their hands.
Any member of the Guild not living in London will be in- vited to take such opportunities of work as offer themselves in his neighbourhood, and send a report of the same to the Council.
The Council trust that the response to this appeal will be cordial enough for the Guild to begin work in the autumn. Theopportunities for work are of the most varied possible kind. I shall be glad to receive names, promises of work, and subscriptions.—I am, Sir, &c.,