East Coast Days And Memories. By The Author Of "the
Re- creations of a Country Parson." (Longmans.)—This is one of the pleasantest books which Dr. Boyd has given us. Sometimes, perhaps, he is a little wanting in kindliness of......
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, From Romances And Prose-tracts Of...
Age : with Chosen Poems of Nicholas Breton. Edited by A. H. Millen. (Nimmo.)—Mr. Bullen has done so much good service to all students of Elizabethan poetry, that one feels sorry......
General Metaphysics. By John Rickaby, S.j. (longmans.)—...
one of the series of "Catholic Manuals of Philo- sophy." From the nature of its subject, it is a book which a reviewer must either treat at great length, or very briefly indeed.......
Saint Monica. By Mrs. Bennett-edwards. (j. W. Arrowsmith,...
not know whether the author means this book to be one of "those objectionable, as a rule, productions—a novel with a purpose," to quote her own words. If it has a purpose, we......