2 AUGUST 1913, Page 1

Mr. Lloyd George resumed his most audacious manner in a

speech on Thursday at Carnarvon. He began with a reference to the fact that the Tory Party were under the correct impression that he was preparing a great attack upon their arbitrary powers. How could they be expected not to exaggerate a mistake, and to "encourage and foment any calumny " that afforded the slightest hope of getting rid of such a noxious personage as himself ? " However," he added, " the vitriol-throwers have failed either to kill, to maim, or to deface me." The main section of the speech began with a melodramatic statement that there was a " deliberate con- spiracy afoot in influential quarters to thwart and overthrow democratic government." This led up to a reference to next year's scheme for providing a new Second Chamber, as to which Mr. Lloyd George predicted that " it will be a Chamber in which all parties, all sections, and all creeds will have equal treatment."