2 AUGUST 1913, page 2

In Spite Of The Confident Assertion In Regard To Sir

Rufus Isaacs's becoming Lord Chief Justice, we cannot believe that Mr. Asquith will really make the appointment. For such a post the Prime Minister must choose a lawyer who has......

The Westminster Gazette Has A Fairly Strong Stomach As A

rule, and will swallow almost anything done by its party without protest, but Mr. Lloyd George's speech was a little too much for it. Even its favourite statesman could not......

Under The Heading Of "cabinet Changes" The Daily Tele- Graph

of Monday gave prominence to a statement as to the reconstruction of the Ministry which it is alleged is to take place in the autumn. Sir Rufus Isaacs is to become Lord Chief......

This Is The Same Characteristic Plea Which Is Used By

advocates of protection all the world over in regard to infant industries. It was used again and again during the height of the fiscal controversy in respect of motor cars. We......

We Have Pointed Out From Time To Time The Various

reasons which make the present Government thoroughly deserve the name of "an organized hypocrisy." They deserve it abundantly on the question of Free Trade. They tell us......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Question Of

aerial defence was raised by the Opposition. We cannot in the space at our disposal to-day go into the merits of the question in detail; but though we are prepared to admit that......

The Naval Manoeuvres Have Continued During The Week. We...

not be so rash as to say to which side the battle has inclined, for what appear to be successes might in real war have been defeats. Enough to repeat a few of the facts recorded......

The Politician's Objection To Bounties Is The Practical...

people actually see money being put into the pockets of private individuals they begin to ask whether the system is good enough. For fear of misunderstanding, let us say that we......

We Have No Means Of Testing These Rumours, But The

Daily Telegraph has often proved to have access to special sources of political information. If the inner Cabinet have privately determined to dissolve before the third time of......

Mr. Lloyd George Dishes Up All The Familiar Stuff About

rich landowners battening on the poor, while saying nothing about taxing the unearned increment of such Stock Exchange ventures as he indulges in himself. As for the nonsensical......