2 AUGUST 1913, Page 15



Smn,—I have been approached, as the officer in command of the Scottish Company in the Westminster Division of the National Reserve, by one of the members of the Company (late a colour sergeant in the London Scottish Rifles and an excellent shot), with a view, if possible, of persuading you to throw open this competition to the National Reserve as a whole, instead of limiting it to retired Army men. I am the more tempted to forward this suggestion to you since it appears that only ten men put in an appearance at the ranges to compete for the forty-three prizes offered at Bisley. May I trust you will give this suggestion your consideration, as I may say it is felt by the retired Territorials that there is somehow a preference shown in favour of the retired Navy and Army men as against the retired Territorials, and this feeling, I feel sure you will agree, should not exist ?—I am, Sir, &c.,


(Lt.-Col.: late B.S.B.V.)

The Lodge, Bolton Road, Chiswick, W.

[All members of the National Reserve are eligible to compete, as a reference to the Regulations shows. These run : " Open only to all Members of the National Reserve." Ex-Territorials are, to our great regret, not allowed to join the National Reserve, but for that regulation the Army Council and not the Spectator is responsible. The moment ex-Territorials are allowed to enter the National Reserve they will become eligible for the Spectator prize. We may add that the very small number of entries for the Spectator competition would seem to indicate that the whole question of the prize should be reconsidered.— ED. Spectator.]