2 AUGUST 1913, Page 3

It has been decided that the memorial to the late

Major M. F. M. Meiklejohn, V.C., shall be a simple stone in Hyde Park bearing an inscription, and that the balance of the fund shall endow a memorial bed in the Hospital for Sick Children. The stone, we hope, will briefly describe for the instruction and inspiration of all who pass the splendid deed by which Major Meiklejohn met his death. It will be remembered that his mare bolted at a parade in Hyde Park and that as he had only one arm be had little control over her. He managed, however, to turn her aside from a line of troops. She then headed straight for a group of children and a nurse. Within a few yards of the children he managed to tarn her aside again and put her at the railings, which he knew she could not jump. Here she fell, killing herself and fatally injuring her rider.