2 AUGUST 1913, Page 3

The Oxford " Greats " list, which was published on

Wed nesday, showed that the Prime Minister's second son, Mr. Cyril Asquith, had taken a first-class. The academic dis- tinctions won by Mr. Asquith and two of his sons are a striking instance of hereditary ability. Mr. Asquith, Mr. Raymond Asquith, and Mr. Cyril Asquith have each in turn won a scholarship at Balliol, the Craven Scholarship, and first classes in " Mods " and " Greats." In addition to this Mr. Asquith won a Fellowship at Balliol and Mr. Raymond Asquith a Fellowship at All Souls. The latter also secured the Ireland, Derby, and Eldon Scholarships, and his younger brother the Ireland and Hertford Scholarships. The Prime Minister's political opponents will join with his supporters in offering him their heartiest congratulations upon the brilliant opening of his son's career.