2 AUGUST 1924, Page 22


The Churchmen's Union is issuing a series of pamphlets, among which Professor Percy Gardner's What is Modernism I and Modernity in Christian Ethics call for notice :- e "Modernists .in the .English Church do not constitute a party, abut represent a tendency, the tendency to accept gratefully the teachings of science when established ; to take part in all schemes for the betterment of the world, without considering their ecclesi- astical bearings ; to accept heartily the principle embodied in the saying, The Sabbath was made for man. . . .' • The Creeds were made for man, not man for the Creeds';EPiscopaey was made for man, not man for Episcopacy.' Beliefs and formulas, which at one time may have been necessary for the preservation of Christianity, may not be of perpetual obligation. But to love God and man, to follow conscience, to be ready to suffer for the sake of truth, those are the things which save man and society."

It was a saying of Father Tyrrell's that ethical reconstruction in religion was as essential as dogmatic. The Professor's pamphlets are a commentary on this text. Mr. Bagenal gives us, in The Modern Movement in the Church of England, a useful sketch of the origin and fortunes of the Churchmen's Union, a society which, though few in numbers compared to the National League or the English Church Union— apparent rani nantes in gurgite vasto—eounts as a Ventre of intelligence, and has come to stay.