2 AUGUST 1924, page 22

Jean Paul . Mart : His - Career In England And France

before the Revolution. By Sidney L. Phipson, M.A. (Methuen. 7s. 6d. net.) There is always interest, both legitimate, and purely sensationalist, in the beginnings of men who '......

The New Vision In The German Arts. By H. G.

Scheffauer. (Ernest Bonn, Ltd. 12s. 6d. net.) Mr. Scheffauer has collected seventeen articles describing contemporary art-movements in Germany. It is unfortunate that his florid......

Any Account Of The Birds Of Portugal Is Welcome By

reason Of the scanty literature relating to the avifauna of that country, but The Birds of Portugal, by Mr. Tait, is especially welcome, because the author is so well qualified,......

Finance-public & Private.

[By OUR CITY EDITOR.] THE GERMAN LOAN. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Not for the first time finance is proving to be the crucial point even in a political crisis. In......

Churchmen's Union Pamphlets. -

The Churchmen's Union is issuing a series of pamphlets, among which Professor Percy Gardner's What is Modernism I and Modernity in Christian Ethics call for notice :- e "......