2 AUGUST 1924, Page 3

Mr. T. T. Broad has just issued an extremely well-

designed pamphlet describing exactly his scheme of All-in Insurance, which he outlined to readers of the Spectator last spring. The little pamphlet is a model of clear exposition. Infleed, we think it the best statement of his scheme which Mr. Broad has yet made, and it should certainly be in the hands of everyone who is interested in this social reform. At present all the political parties are toying with All-in Insurance schemes, but none of them has as yet had the courage to commit themselves, yet we cannot but feel that there is a glittering future for the party which first does so. We have only one com- plaint against Mr. Broad's pamphlet, and that is that there is no clear indication on it as to where and how it may be obtained, but we see that on the back it is stated that it is printed and published by Henley and Sons, Ltd., Denmark Street, London, W.C. 2, and we presume it may be obtained from them, price 6d.

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