2 AUGUST 1924, Page 3

There has been another serious railway accident, this time in

the Haymarket Station, Edinburgh. Four ladies were killed, and there were a large number of injured. We do not know whether we are wrong in thinking that the number of railway accidents has greatly increased since the War, but it would certainly be interesting,to see comparative statistics of the number of passengers carried and the percentage of casualties for the years immediately before the War and the years immediately after. If these did, in fact, show an appre- ciable increase, it would surely be worth while to set up an inquiry as to whether any of the new railway arrangements under the Grouping Scheme or under the arrangements with the Trade Unions could possibly have had any influence on the accident rate; either by a disregard of old safeguards, or the imposition of over- long hours for signalmen, or some error of that sort.

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