2 DECEMBER 1854, Page 10


The tragedy of Rosamonde is said to have caused something like a tra- gedy in reality. Mademoiselle Rachel—thus says the Mousquetaire—waa BO dissatisfied with the meed of applause awarded to her representation of the wife of Alboin, that she even threatened suicide when the piece was over. However, on second thoughts, she preferred killing the play to killing herself, and at the time of our last advices it had not been acted since the first night of performance. Every one knows that it is a habitual practice at the great " drame " theatres to interrupt every now and then the series of works of intense interest by the production of a huge fairy spectacle, some five hours long, destitute of all interest whatever, but so decorated that Paris in- variably consents to look at it for at least a hundred nights. The last novelty of this kind is a feerie entitled Les 500 Diablee, produced a week ago at the Gaite, already illustrious from similar triumphs. If accounts are true, Les Sept Chitteaux du Liable, and Les Sept Merreillee du Monde, will be cast into the shade by the new internality, which develops itself in the enormous luxuriance of thirty tableaux.