I Rtttro To T Bitor.
NEW-YEAR'S GIFT FOR OUR SOLDIERS AT SEBASTOPOL. 85 Hyde Park Gardens, let _December 1854. Sue—A letter having appeared in the gdumns of the Times from Mr. lEngscote, suggesting......
The Perry Railway Collision.
WITTE what face can City men censure Mr. Perry for draw- ing a cheek upon his Windsor trustee ? Some two thousand pounds and more were lodged with that respectable intermediary......
The Soldier's Food And Clothing.
Lesketh How, Ambleside, 28th November 1854. Sin—In the last number of your paper, you did me the honour to insert a letter on " the food of the soldier," which I was induced to......
The Soldier's
21st November 1854. Em—In your number of the 4th instant was inserted a letter on the sol- dier's cap, signed by " An Old Shako-Wearer." As I have myself also worn a......