WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 28.—The undermentioned officers, who were placed upon re- tired full-pay previously to her Majesty's Royal Warrant of the 6th October 1854, to be each promoted to a step of Brevet rank, in order to place them in as favourable a position as those who may prospectively obtain retirement under the provisions of the said Warrant, the rank in both cases being only honorary. Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army.—H. Le Blanc, 5th Royal Veteran Battalion, J. L. Basden, C.B. 89th Foot, W. Sall, Royal Newfoundland Companies, It. Terry, 31st Foot, J. W. Fairtlough, 63d Foot, II. C. Streatfiehl, 87th Foot, 11. Senior, 65th Foot, C. Hughes, 24th Foot, J. Helsel], 70th Foot, NV. Blois, 524 Foot, E. T. Iromon, 13th Foot, J. Singleton, 30th Foot, J. M. Harty, 334 Foot, E. J. Crabbe, 74th Foot, W. Barney, Cape Corps, G. Roehfort, 3d Foot, P. Dundee, 47th Foot, R. Willington, 84th Foot, R. Vi'estrnore, 334 Foot, It. Pattison, 13th Foot, .1. Poole, C.B. 224 Foot, E. J. White, 70th Foot, R. Hunt, 49th Foot, E. W. Bray, C.B. 39th Foot, A. Tennant, 35th Foot, R. Luxmore, 16th Foot, N. Palmer, 56th Foot, J. Swinbunie, 334 Foot, D. Frazer, 42.1 Foot, C. H. Potts, 19th Foot, H. E. de BUrgh Sidley, 50th Foot, H. Mends, 24 West India Regt. Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army.—G. E. Ellington, 5th Royal Vete- ran Battalion, W. Milne, 24 Royal Veteran Battalion, J. F. Oldham, 8th Royal Vete- ran Battalion, G. L. Spinluff, Royal Veteran Company, E. Goate, 35th Foot, S. Noel, 92d Foot, G. Pinkney, 824 Foot, P. Aubin, 57th Foot, S. G. Carter, 16th Foot, G. F. Stack, 24th Foot, H. Clements, 16th Foot, P. J. Willats, 48th Foot, W. Cox, 54th Foot, It. Handcock, 46th Foot, P. Sutherland, 724 Foot, J. Bonamy, 6th Foot, J. Marshall, 9Ist Foot, It. Manners, 59th Foot, J. T. Moore, 87th Foot, A. Spong, 60th Foot, J. Clarke, 66th Foot, I. Richardson, 11th Foot, It. Browne, 16th Foot, It. Tat- ton, 77th Foot, J. Jackson, 57th Foot, A. Sharrack, 29th Foot, NV. Raban, 224 Foot. T. H. Hernmans, 78th Foot, W. Warburton, 67th Foot, H. C. Lynch, 14th Foot, E. Boyd, 29th Foot, J. Smith, 14th Foot, E. WPherson, 99th Foot, W. Dempster, 41st Foot, C. It. Newman, 14th Foot, C. O'Neill, 97th Foot, J. J. Grier, 934 Foot, A. Campbell, 38th Foot, H. Dixon, 81st Foot, J. Poyntz, 30th Foot, C. D. Campbell, 8911 Foot, E. Kenny, 89th Foot, J. O'Grady, 17th Foot., A. R. L'Estrange, 71st Foot, .T. Griffiths, 25th loot, R. A. Andrews, 30th Foot, B. Bender, 824 Foot, W. At- kin, Canadian Rifles, A. Splaine, 81st Foot, J. Ward, BIst Foot, J. Norman, 54th Foot, A. W. Mackay, 21st Foot, J. Bolton, 75th Foot, W. Barnes, 17th Foot, D. Riley, 24th Foot, n. A. Kerr, 1st Foot, W. Beales, Staff Officer of Pensioners W. Newhouse, 5th Foot, H. F. Stokes, 39th Foot, C. Irvine, 38th Foot, J. G. Lecky. 38th Foot, F. Tudor, 38th Foot, G. A. Barnes, R. Helena Iteg,t. Captains to be Majors in the Army,—Sir W. Wynn, Invalids, M. Louis, 5th Ve- teran Battalion, G. St. J. Gifford, 11th Veteran Battalion, L. K. Willard, 11th Ve- teran Battalion, T. L. Metcalfe, 6th Veteran Battalion, A. Macneil, 3d Veteran Bat- talion, W. Mackay, 0th Veteran Battalion, I. T. D'Arcy, 4th Veteran Battalion, B. Gray, Gth Veteran Battalion, J. G. Hart, 12th Vetemnitattalion, W. Kelly, 2d Ve- teran Battalion, J. Roche, 3d Veteran Battalion, C. Eingsley, 9th Veteran Battalion, A. Fullerton, 6th Veteran Battalion, R. Woode, 8th Veteran Battalion, D. all'her- SOO, 2d Veteran Battalion, T; Dillon. 2d Veteran Battalion, A. Skene, 4th Veteran Battalion, T. R. Agnew, 24 Veteran Battalion, B. Pigot, 69th Pont. C. Gordon, 93d Font, It. Fry, 63d Foot, P. Eason, Gist Foot, J. A. Lutman, 24thFoot, J. M. Hugon, t9th Foot, A. Von Beverhoudt, 58th Foot, J. Kelly, 0th Foot, J. Griffith, 1st West India Regt., R. Shepherd, 76th Font, R. S. Ridge, 36tIrFoot, J. Harvey, 37th Foot, J. Gampbell, 74th Foot, D. Dickson, 9501 Foot, II- Nicholls, 9Ith Foot,. It. Coch- rane, Rifle Brigade, J. Bleckall, 39th Foot, H. Mountsteven, 48th Foot, A. DowcIall, 54th Foot, G. G. Shaw, 63d Foot, G. 31ainwaring, 22d Foot, W. J. Xing, 21st Foot, W. Knowles, 50th Foot, R. Thompson, 51st Foot, J. areaskill, 97th Foot, D. Cooper, 17th Foot, W. A. Rogers, 95th Foot, II. Mylius, Ceylon Rifle Regt., K. 3Iurchison, 29th Foot, P. Bolton, 77th Foot, W. M'Donald, 93d Foot, D. Dunn, 69th FooL The commissions to bear date the 28th of November 18.54.
November 2.-The undermentioned officers, having completed three years' actual service as Regimental Lieutenant-Colonels, or in other appointments equivalent to those situations, to be promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Army, in accordance nith the provisions of her Mojesta's Royal Warrant of the 6th October 1854.
BreveL-Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army.-E. It. Hill, lot West India Beet., G. W. Key, 15th Light Drags., F. G. Shewell, 8th Light Drees., E. pole, 12th Light Drags., A. Shirley, ball-pay Unatt., F. 11. Robe, C.B. Deputy- Quartermaster-Gen. Mauritius, R. Walpole, Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen. Ionian Islands, A. J. Lawrence, Rifle Brigade, Hon. G. Cadogan, Grenadier Guards, J.
Grubbe, 66th Foot, W. Black.burne, half-pay 69th Foot. F. Skelly, 37th Foot, C. P. Ainslie, 7th Drag. Guards, H. Daniell, Coldstream Guards, F. Murray, half-pay e3d Foot, Hon. A. N. Hood, half-pay 13th Foot, D. Russell, 84th Foot, It. W. Huey, 1st Foot, H. Shirley, 88th Foot. W. S. Newton, Coldstream Guards, 11. Hughes, let West India Regt., H. G. Conroy. Grenadier Guards, N. it. Blown, 38th Foot, H. A. R. Mitchell, Grenadier Guards, E. C. M. Alilman, 7th Foot, S. Perceval, Coldstream Guards, E. Goulburn, Grenadier Guards, II. Cooper, 45th Foot, R. Rumley, DepOt Battalion at Parkhurst, W. Sutton, Cape Mounted Riflemen, Hon. G. C. W. Fo- rester, Royal Horse Guards, E. C. Hodge, 4th Drag. Guards, F. R. Blake, 33d Foot, C. C. Yarborough, C.B. 91st Foot, W.11. C. Wellesley, 10th Foot, H. E. Doherty, C.B. 14th Light Drags., A. H. Ferryman, 89th Foot, W. IL Law, 83d Foot, T. .1. Galloway, 70th Foot, W. Jones, C.B. 61st Foot, J. Campbell, 87th Foot, A. Jardine, 75th Foot, AL G. Dennis, 60th Foot, J. Macduff, 7401 Foot, T. M. Wilson, 96th Foot, G. Staunton, 31st Foot, C. Cruchley, Depot Battalion, W. Hamilton, 78th Foot, C. R. Scott, half-pay Staff Corps, Assistant-Quartermaster-Gen. Northern District, H. K. Atherley, 92d Foot, T. Chute, 70th Foot, W. G. Brown, 24th Foot, II. Jervis, Provisional Battalion, 3/. W. Smith, half-pay 15th Light Drags , J. H. Peroeval, C.B. 12th Foot, H. W. Stisted, 78th Foot, T. J. Adair, Inspecting Field- officer of a Recruiting District, P. M. N. Guy, 5th Foot, G. Hutchison, 80th Foot, C. Steuart„ 14th Light Drags., L. W. Yea. 7th Foot, P. W. Taylor, Canadian Rifle Regt., T. G. Egerton, 77th Foot, W. 0. Italy, 47th Foot, J. Enoch, Unatt. Assist.- Quarternmeter-Gen., W. H. Vicars, Slot Foot, W. R. Mansfeld, 53d Foot, J. Fraser, 721 Foot, H. It. Jones, Gill Drag. Guards, H. Skipwith, 43d Foot, C. Hagart, 7th Light Drags., G. Be Rottenburgh, Unatt. Assist.-Quartermaster-Gen. Canada, W. Y. Moore, 54th Foot. The commissions to bear date the 28th November 1854.
Brevet. -To be Generals in the Army.-Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. D. Ross, K.C.B. ; Sir IL W. Gardiner, K.C.B.
To be Lieutenant-Generals in the Army.-Major-Gen. F. Campbell, G. Turner, C.11., P. M. Wallace, It. Jones, .J. Mitchell, C.B.
lb be Major-Generals in the Army.-Col. A. F. Crawford, W. B. Dundas, C.B., H. W. Gordon.
Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army.-W , B. Ine'ilby, 'I'. 0. Cater, II.
Pester, It. W. Story, Retired List, W. F. Williams, C.B., A.31aebean, Retired List,
G. James, Retired List, H. Palliser, It. L. Gersten, Retired List, J. A. Wilson, 11.0. B. Wilson, B. Cuppege, It. Porn, R. B. Burnaby, Retired List, J. H. Griffin, W. H. Hornig, Retired List, T. A. Lethbridge, Retired List, D. Thorndike, H. Stow, Retired List, W. Fraser, C. Gostling, C. H. 31ce, Retired List, T. Desbrisay, Retired List, C. B. Symonds, W. W. d'Arley, Retired List, E.N. Wilford, J. Ty Idea, Retired List, W. H. Pickering.
Lieutenant-Colonels lobe Colonels in the Artny.-0. Wright, F. It. Thomson, C. 0. Streatfield, J. E. Portlock, 11. Sandhain, F. H. Baddcley, E. Vicars, T. Bugden,
H. P. Wulff, J. Hawkshaw, E. Aldrich.
The commissions to bear date the 28th of November 1854.
The following promotions are to take place consequent upon the decease of the following officers. viz.-Gen. Sir G. Drummond, G.C.B. died 10th October, 1854; Lieut.-Gen. J. F. Ewart, C.B. died 234 October, 1854; Major-Gen. C. 3liddleton, died lid October 1854.
Brevet-Col. F. Markham, C.B. 321 Foot, Adjt.-Gen. in the East Indies, to be Major-Gen. ; Lieut.-Col. J. C. H. Gibsone, Cavalry DepOt at Ncwbridge, to be Col. in the Army ; Major R. De Sails, 8th Light Dragoons, lobe Lieut.-Col. in the Army; Capt. J. Speedy, 8th Foot, to be Major in the Army. The commissions to bear date 28th November 1854.
2d Regiment of Dragoons-F. B. Maconechie, Gent, to be Cornet, without pur- chase. 231 Regiment of Foot-Ensign J. Lawrence, from the Royal Monmouth 31ilitia, to be Ensign, without purchase.
WAR-orrice, Dec. 1.-2d Regt. of Eliot - Capt. D. W. G. James to be Major, with- out purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Robinson, who retires upon full-pay; Lieut. J. A. Rocke to be Capt. without purchase, vice James. 18th Foot-Brevet Major J. C. Kennedy to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Wigston, who retires upon full-pay; Lieut. H. A. Ward to he Capt. without purchase, vice Kennedy; Ensign J. 1.1. Wolseley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ward. list Foot-Capt. W. II. II. Anderson to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.- Col. Rice, who retires upon full-pay; Lieut. J. G. D. Marshall to be Capt. without purchase, vice Anderson ; Ensign P. Milford to be Lieut. without purchase, vice 3Iarsha1l. 54th Foot-Lieut. W. E. F. O'Brien to be Capt. without purchase, vice Wood, who retires upon half-pay; Ensign H. J. Fame to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice O'Brien. 66th Foot-Lieut. C. Perrin to be Capt. without purchase, %ice Brevet Major Biscoe, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign C. J. T. Duesbury to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Perrin. 68th Foot-Lieut. C. U. Shuttleworth to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Gillman, who retires upon full- pay; Ensign E. R. F. Vicars to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Shuttieworth. 72d Foot-Licut. T. C. H. Best lobe Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major Bowen, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign E. J. Upton to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Best. 79th Foot-Lieut. W. Scott to be Capt. without purchase, vice Mackay, mho retires upon full-pay; Ensign D. APDonald to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Scott. 80th Foot-Lieut. F. Miller to be Capt. without purchase, vice Duperier, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign H. H. St. Leger to be Lieut. with- outpurchase, vice Miller. 81st Foot-Lieut. F. S. de V. Lane lobe Capt. without purchase, vice Oldwright, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign H. It. Floyd to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Lane. 3d West India Regt.-Lient. II. C. Watson tube Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Foster, who retires upon full-pay; Ensign E. Armstrong to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Watson.
Brevet Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army.- 0. Robinson, retired full- pay, 2d Foot, A. T. Rice. retired full-pay, list Foot, F. Wigston, retired full-pay, 18th Foot, W. H. Gillman, retired full-pay, 68th Foot, I. Foster, retired full-pay, 3,1 West India Regiment. Brevet Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels.-G. G. Biscoe, retired full-pay, 66th Foot, H. T. Bowen, retired full-pay, 721 Foot. Captains to be Majors in the Army.-L. E. Wood, retired full-pay, 54th Foot, .7. Oldwright, retired full-pay, 81st Foot, C. Duperier, retired full-pay, 80th Foot, H. Mackay, retired full-pay, 79th Foot.
WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 1.- let Regt. of Life Guards-Lieut. Henry Viscount Elmley lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Lowther, who retires; Cornet and Sub-Lieut. F. D. Magens to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Elmley; Mervyn W. Viscount Powerscourt
Is be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Magens. 2d Life Guards-Vete- rinary-Surg. J. Legrew, from the Staff in Turkey, to be Veterinary-Surg. vice Wil- kinson, appointed Principal Veterinary-Surg. 341 Light Drags.-Lieut. J. Mac- queen, from half-pay 15th Light Drags, to be Paymaster, vice Wood, who retires upon ball-pay of his former commission as Capt. 4th Light Drags.-Brevet Major A. Low to be Major without purchase, vice J. T. D. Halkett, killed in action; Lieut. H. S. Adlington to be Capt, without purchase, vice Low ; Cornet F. W, Martin lobe Limit, without purchase, vice Adlington; Cornet C. A. G. Browne to be Lieut. without purchase, vice II. A. Sparke, killed in action.8th Light Drags. -Lieut. and Adjt.E. Seeger lobe Capt. without ymrchase, vice G. Lockwood, killed inaction; Cornet It. R. Glyn to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Seeger; Regimental Sergt.-Major R. Harding to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Glyn ; Cornet IL Harding to be Adjt. vice Seeger, promoted. 9th Light Drags.-Cornet
W. C. Gordon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Kidd, who retires. 13th Light Drags. -Lieut. P. S. Smith to be Capt. without purchase. vice J. A, Oldham, killed in action; Cornet F. D. Maclean to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Smith. 1411s Light Drags.-Lieut. and Adjt. II, E. Reader to be Capt. by purchase, vice Chambre, who retires ; Cornet E. 0. V. Haldane to be Limn. lay purchase, vice Reader ; W. II. S. Beamish, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Haldane, pro- moted ; Lieutenant Henry TophamClementa tobe Adjutant, vice Reader; promoted. 17th Lieht Drags.-Lieut. Sir W. Gordon, hart. to be Capt. without purchase, vice J. P. Winter, killed in action ; Cornet and Actit. J. Chadwick to have the rank of Lieut. ; Cornet Sir G. II.Leitli. Bart. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Gor- don ; Cornet G. 0. Wombwell to be Lieut, without purchase, vice J. H. Thomson, killed in action ; G. II. L. Boynton, Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Taylor, promoted ; W. D. N. Lowe, Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase. Grena- dier Foot Guards-Lient. and Capt. H. E. alontresor to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice E. W. Pakenham, killed in action. To be Lieutenants and Captains without purchase-Ensign and Lieut. A. 'Viscount Balgoide, vice Hon. H. A. E. Neville, killed in action; Ensign and Lieut. C. N. Sturt, vice Montvesor; Ensign and Lieut. Sir J. Fergusson, Ran. lice Sirli. L. :Newman, Bart. killed in action. To be Ensign and Lieutenant; without purchase - W. L. S. Buck, Gent. vice Sturt. Coldstream Guards-To be Captains and Lieutenant-Colonels without purchase-Lieut. and Capt. W. G. Daukins, sire lion. T. V. Bastion, killed in action; Lieut. and Capt. C. W. Strong, vice J. C. aJ. Cowell, killed in action. To be Lieut. and Captain without purchase-Ensign and Lieut. A. J. Free- mantle, vice Dan-kins. 9th Foot-Acting Assist-Sure. J. C. Johnston to be A ssist.- Surg. 14th Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg, J. M. Hide to be Assiet.-Surg. 20th Foot-31. Robinson, Gent, tube Ensign, without purchase, vice Paynter, dec. 80th Foot-Lieut. J. O'Brien to be Capt. without purchase, vice A. W. Conolly, died of his wounds ; Ensign .1. P. Campbell to be Lieut. without purchase, vice O'Brien ; Ensign A. J. Austin to be Limit. without purchase, vice Alured Gibson, killed in action. 34th Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg. E. H. Wrench to be Assist.- Snag. 39th Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg. G. W. Sparke to be Assist.-Surg. 40th Foot-Acting AseistaSurg. It. W. al acauley to be Assist.-Surg. vice Telman, re- signed. 49th Foot-Brevet Major J. '1'. Grant lobe Major, without purchase, vice C. T. Powell, killed in action; Capt. W. H. C. Baddeley to be Major, without pur- chase, vice T. Dalton, killed in action. To be Captains without purchase.-Lieut. S. Mason, vice Grant, Limit. J. W. Dewar,vice Bruldeley. To be Lieuts. without purchase-Ensign C. Fitzgerald, vice Mason ; Ensign G. K. Chatfield, vice Dewar. To be Ensigns without purchase-II. G. Rogers, Gent. vice Fitzgerald. 54th Foot-Lieut. H. E. Bayly to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major Murgary, who retires ; Ensign D. Beetham to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bayly ; S. W. Hughes, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Beethrun. 621 Foot-Acting Assiet.- Surg. S. Alder to be Assist.-Surg. Galh Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. Macheath lobe Major, without purchase, vice B. G. Wynne, killed in action; Lieut. J. Cassidy to be Capt. without purchase, vice Alacbeath ; Ensign A. H. Tucker to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Cassidy; Ensign J. Marshall to be Lieut. without purchase, vice F. G. Barker, killed in action. 721 Foot-Major R. P. Sharp to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet Col. Fraser, who retires; Capt. W. Parke to be Major, by purchase, vice Sharp. To be Captains by purchase-Lieut. C. Price, vice Parke; Lieut. R. D. Buchannan, vice Wade, who retiles. 77th Foot-To be Lieuts. without pur.-Ensigu C. E. Knight, vice Walmsly,alec.; Ensign E. H. Long, vice Alder, dec. To be Ensigns without pur.-A. Croker. Gent. vice knight; H. F. Browne, Gent. vice Long. 821 Foot-Lieut. R. Maule to be Adjt. vice Green, who resigns the Adjutancy only ; Acting Assist.-Surg. F. G. Poulden to be Assist.-Surg. 90th Foot-Ensign R. H. Evans to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Close, promoted.
Rifle Brigade-Lieut. A1, W. L. Coast, from the 94th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Newbury, deceased. Gold Coast Corps-Ensign G. Clarke to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Child, deceased ; J. T. W. Andrews, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Clarke. Hospital Staff-To be Acting Assistant-Surrons.--F. G. Poulden, Gent. vice Alder, appointed to the 621 Foot, F. H. Macfarini, Gent. vice Wrench, appointed to to the 34th Foot, W. F. Cullen, Gent. vice Johnston, appointed to the 9th Foot, A. Spina, M.D. vice Hyde, appointed to the 14th Foot, T: Mines, Gent., vice Sparke, appointed to the 39th Foot, A. E. Marsden, Gent. vice Macauley, appointed to the 40th Foot, W. C. Roe, Gent. vice Poulden, appointed to the 82d Foot. Staff.-Major-Gen. G. A. Wetherell, CL, to be Adjut.-Gen. to the Forces, vice Major-Gen. the Hon Sir G. Cathcart, K.C.B. dec.; Major-Geo. S. Simpson, from the South West District, to be Deputy-Adjut.-Gen. to the Forces, vice Wetherell; Capt. IL. A. Logau, of the 57th Foot, to be Assist.-Adjut. of a DepOt Battalion ; Vet.-Surg. A. H. Cherry, from the 7th Dragoon Guarde, to be Vet.-Surg. on the Staff of the Army serving under the command of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, vice Legrew, appointed to the 21 Life Guards.
Orrice us ORDNANCE, Nov. 29.-- Royal Regt. of Artillery-First Lieut. W. D. Guile tube Second Capt. vice Childers, killed inaction; Second Lieut.- IL N. Hu- rls to be First Lieut. vice Guille ; First Lieut. C. E. Oldershaw to be Second Captain vice Guille, dec.; Second Lieut. O. Carr to be First LietiL vice Oldershaw; Lieut.- Cot. W. B. Inilby to be Col. vice Brigadier-Gen. Strangways, killed in action ; Bre- vet Major E. W. Crofton to be Lieut.-Col. vice Ingilby; Second Capt. J. C. Childs
to be Capt. vice Crofton ; First Lieut. N. O. S. Turner to be Second Capt. vice Childs; Second Lieut. H. W. Brisco lobe First Lieut. vice Turner; Second Capt. G. V. Johnson to be Capt. vice Brevet Major Townsend, killed in action; First Lieut, A. Y. Earle lobe Second Capt. vice Johnson; Second Lieut. W. G. Mar- tin to be First Lieut. vice Earle ; Second Capt. A. F. Connell to be Capt. vice Pack-Beresford, retired by resignation of his commission; First Lieut. the Hon. L. A. Addington to be Second Capt. vice Connell; Second Lieut. 1'. H. Sandi-
lands to be First Lieut. vice Addington. .