BRITISH FUNDS. &turd. (Closing Monday. Prirma.) Tuesday. Iffsdnes Thurs. Fridsy, 3 per Cent Consols 92 1 92
91 els 911 Ditto for Account 94 921 911 91 91 9 94 911 3 per Cents Reduced 91
901 89 904
891 New 3 per Cents
901 89 90 891 891 Long Annuities — 41 41 41 41
Bank Stock, 9 per Cent 1091 209 209 210 2091 209 India Stock, 101 per Cent 230 233 — 230 232 233 Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem 3 pm. 6 3 6 6
ndia Bonds 4 per Cent 7 pni. 10 — 10 --
21 641 62 331 BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....£3 17 9 Copper,British Cakes 4 126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold inCoin,Portugal Pieces u 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 01 Lead, British Pig 22 13 0 .. 33 5 0
silver in Itars,S tandard 0 5 11 Steel, Swedish Reg... 18 10 0 .. 19 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, Dec. 1.
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow
Eastern Counties
Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western London and South-western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, Wor. and Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover
East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria Austrian Op. Ct. 64 Mexican 8 p.CL 211 Belgian 41
New York 904 exit.
Ditto 21 -
Peruvian 41 - 68 Brazilian 6 - 97 Portuguese 6 - 431 Buenos Ayres 6 -
Ditto. 3 -
Chili= 6 -
Russian 6 -
Danish 6 - 101 DitM 87 Ditto 3 -
Sardinian 6 80 Dutch (Ex. 12 (Raiders) -24 -
Spanish 3 - 371 Ditto 4 - fa
Ditto New Deferred 3 -
French 3 -
Ditto (Passive)
Ditto 44-
Turkish Scrip 8 - 8 dis.
Massachusetts (Sterling) .5 - 102 Venezuela 81 - 21 227,102,620 I 227,102,620
Proprietors' Capital 214,553,000 Government Securities, (in- Bait 3,178,1903,176.199 &Wu gDead WeightAnnaityl 611,961,703 Public Deposits. 4,782,390 Othet Securities 13,890,146
Other Deposits 9,715,909 Notes 7,352,645 Seven Day and other Bills 1,014,770 Gold and Silver Coin 607,171 133,271,668 283,271,668 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, CommissionersofNational Debt. & Dividend Acct, AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.... 67s. 68. Rye 39s. 94.
Barley.... 33 8 Beans 47 8 Oats 27 8 Peas 45 Il BANK OF ENGLAND.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for lbs week ending on Saturday, the 25th day of November 1864.
Notes issued £27,102,610 Government Debt.. ..... 211,016,160 Other Securities 9,984,900
Gold Coin and Bullion ...... 13,102,620
Silver Bullion - FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 09r. to 76s.
Seconds 63 - 67 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 60 - 63 Norfolk and Stockton 56 - 57 American per barrel 36 - 48 Canadian 36 - 48 Bread, 818. to Ild. the 41b. loaf.
s. d. s. 4. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Beef .. 3 0 to 3 10 to 4 4 .... S 6 to 4 10 to 5 4 Mutton. 3 2 - 8 - 4 3 10 - 4 10 - 6 2 Veal,. 3 0 - 4 0 - 4 8 4 4 - 4 10 - 5 2 Pork 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 42-48-3 0 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 • To sink the offal, per sib.
}lent Pockets 3001. to 320s.
Choice ditto 0 0 Sussex ditto 290 - 810 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load 01 25 Trusses.) Coassassurs Su irstrume. Wilms:maw..
95e. to 105s. 901 to iffs. 75s. to 004.
55 - 88 60 - 60 .... ....... 0 - 0
0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
110 -120 119 -120 155 -117
92 -58 26 - 32 22 - 25
(Last Official Quotation FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Rye 46 to 50 Barley 32-31
Malting 37 - 38
Malt, Ord 68-72 Fine 73-75
Peas, Hog 38-92
during the Week endin. Friday Evening.) Bsst SO- igi Australasian
British North American
tffColonial Commercial sf London 88 London Chartd. Bnk. of Austrelia
87 London Joint Stock 691 London and Westminster 1041 National of Ireland 71 National Provincial — Provincial of Ireland 1041 Union of Australia 71 Union of London 98 Mums- 791 Ague Fria 67 Brazilian imperial — Ditto (St. John del Rey) .....
311 Cobre Copper 721 Rhymney Iron 51 Miscsusimoes-
301 Australian Agricultural
92 Canada 571 Crystal Palace General Steam 120 Peel River Land and Mineral 1041 Peninsular and Wieland Steam — Royal Mail Steam
— South Australian
Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 104.10 01.
Wether and Ewe 10 - 111
Leicester Hesse( and Wether 0 - 11
Skin Combing 10 - 0 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Nov. 25. Wheat .... 74.. 78. I Rye 44.1141. Barley 35 6 Beans ...... 60 5 Oats 29 3 Peas 49 7 PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Fresh, 10.. Od. per dos. Carlow, Si. Is. to N. 5s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per eat. 58s. to 664.
Cheese, Cheshire 56 - 70 Derby Plain 60 - 66
Hams, York 74 -- 84
Eggs, French, per 120,04. Od. to Os. Od. Maple 0 to 0 White 50-52 Boilsrs 83-38 Beans, Ticks 0- 0 Old 0-0 Indian Corn 42-46
BEAD or Cs rims as Surruricsm Friday. Hondo..
Beasts. 1,106 4,50
Sheep . 4,180 27,210
Calves. 203 .. • 192 Figs... 430„ 310 Oate, Feed 28 to 30 Fine 31-32 Poised 30- 31 Fine 32-33
Potato 34-36 Fine .. 56-87
78 31 22 ex all 281 401 50 68 231 301 101 1 21 321 4.61 21 OILS, COALS, CANDLES, Rape 011 per cwt. 22 12 0 Relined 219 0 Linseed Oil 117 6 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 15 15 0 Candles, per dozen Or. Od. to Os. Od. Moulds, per dozen 0s. 04. 50 Os. es.
Coals, }tenon es. 04.
Tees.. ...... ............. es. ed.
GROCERIES. Tea, Souchong, fine, per lb.. ls. 26. to 2s. 61. Congou, Inc 1 6 - 1 10 Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 8 8 • In Bond-Duty 1 61. pee lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) cat 62s. 641, to eds. 61. Good Ordinary 48s. 64 - 48.. 61.
Sugar, MRSCOIRRO, per cwt... 21, 91.
Rena India Holm.” 17r. (SI. tel5.. 04. • Wheat,R.New 72 to 77 Fine 77-00 Old 0-0 White 0 - 0 Fine 0 - 0 Super. New. 80-85