The announcement this week that Parliament is to assemble earlier than was originally intended, has created several surmises respecting the objects of this sudden alteration ; the primary one, it was at first imagined, being an intended proposal for a new loan. The Funds consequently declined nearly 14 per cent. A subsequent intimation that there was no immediate in- tention Of applying for an additional grant, produced a partial recovery; which might have been greater but for the reported.disasters in the Black Sea during the gale of the 14th instant. Consols have fluctuated between 94 and 91; and leave off this evening at 9142. Owing to the repeated changes during the present Account, which will terminate next Thursday, the set- tlement is expected to be a heavy one. The Wilder-books in Consols will close for dividends on the 8th instant. The subsequent Account is fixed for the 10th of January, when Stock win be transferred on payment of 2s. 6d.; and the usual course of waiting for the reopening of the books on the 17th of that month for public transfer will not be adopted, as the Committee of the Stock Exchange wish to keep as closely as they can to monthly accounts, and avoid for the future their being too near the settlements in Railways and Foreign Stocks, Bank Stock has declined this week 1 per cent ; Exchequer Bills and India Stock have not altered; Exchequer Bonds have remained dull at 991 !. The average amount of bullion held by the Bank of England during the month ending the 28th October was 13,216,119/. This is a decrease of 63671. compared with the preceding month, and a decrease of 2,096,744/. in comparison with the same time last year. The Corn-market still exhibits a tendency to depression. By the last accounts from America, there is some prospect of a shipment of flour to this country, as a supply had been obtained from the interior, but of inferior quality ; and transactions had been limited, owing to a rise in freights. American Securities had slightly rallied, and the money-market was easier. The amount of specie from New York by the last packet was large—namely, 256,000/.
The French Funds continue flat, and have fallen about 1 per cent during the week. Little profit now offers on remittances of gold from this side. The business in Foreign Stocks has not been active, but the leading secu- rities generally have been well supported ; and Russian Five per Cents are 1 better. Austrian Stock, which was heavy last week, has declined about 2 per cent. Turkish Scrip has suffered through large sales, many of them connected with the settlement of the Account : they have been as low as 9 discount, but are now about 1 higher.
The Committee of the Stock Exchange have recently been informed of seve- ral transactions in questionable Shares.The last case referred to the Co- lumbia Mining Company ; the Scrip Certificates of which represented that II. had been paid, but inquiry proved there had been no deposit. A resolu- tion has consequently been passed, stating it to be the duty of all parties who deal in Shares of any new company to ascertain if it be of a bona tide description, with a view to prevent fradulently-created shares being in- troduced to the detriment of the character and interests of the Stock Ex- change. The Railway market is rather lower compared with last week ; but the business transacted has been unimportant. Great Western and London and North-Western have declined 158.; the latter closes heavily today at 97/, St. Other of the principal lines have fallen from 78. Gd. to 1/. 10s., except North-Eastern—Berwick, which has receded 21., being 72 4. The French lines have been rather better, and Paris and Rouen are 11. higher.
The English Funds opened rather lower, and Consols were done at 911 i ; they are now 91i 2 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 3 6. There is a large increase this week in the bullion return by the Bank of England- 215,0101. The arrival of specie yesterday from the West Indies by the Mag- dalena amounted to 450,000/. In Foreign Stocks no change has occurred, except in Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, which are I lower, being now 88 91. There has been no bargain yet in Turkish Scrip. Railways are a little firmer, but the only transactions have been in Caledonian at 80, Lon- don and North-Western at 981, and North-Eastern—Berwick at 73f.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 91' * 'l 2 90 f Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 77 80 60 2 90 2 New 3 per Cents 9041 Mexican 3 per Cents 21 a Long Annuities
Peruvian 41 per Cents 67 9 Bank Block 208 10 Ditto 3 per cents 47 9 Exchequer Bills
8 6
Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 India Stock 230 3 Russian 5 per Cents 95 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 4 Ditto 41 per Cents 85 7 Brazilian 5 per Cents 96 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 371 8 Belgian 41 per Cents ..... .. 68 91 Ditto Deferred ......... ...
. 181 i
Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 ex d.
Danish 5 per Cents 99 101 Swedish 4 per Cents 83 6 ex d.