News from Sebastopol down to the 18th November per the Nil steamer, and to the 22d vita St. Petersburg, has been received this morn- ing. Of the former, we copy the Morning Chronicle's version. Paris, Friday, December 1.—By the Nil, which arrived at Marseilles this day, Friday, December 1, we have advices from the Crimea to the 18th November. They refute the report of a battle on the 13th. The Russians made a sortie on the night of the 13th, but were driven back with a loss of 300 killed : the French lost 40 men. The hurricane on the 14th blew down the tents of the army. The siege-works, which had been continued to within 80 metres of the town, are suspended. The Russians have retired towards the Belbek.
"Omar Pasha has received despatches from Paris, urging him to hasten his offensive movement. He only sends two regiments to the Crimea. Con. stantinople sends 10,000 reinforcements. The Egyptian troops continue to arrive. The Turenne and Donauwerth passed the Bosphorus on the 18th November, with 2500 men on board.
"Most of the English transports wrecked have been burned, to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. General Canrobert, who had been suffering for some days, is completely restored. Three hundred Rus- sians have been defeated near Eupatoria.
The Russian despatch, viii Berlin, is as follows.
"Sebastopol, Nov. 22.—The bombardment continues. The firing is weak, and the loss and damage trifling. Nothing extraordinary has occurred in the Crimea."