The Standard of last night gave expression to a report
which had not yet appeared in print. The current report couples with the name men- tioned by the Standard that of another officer of high rank, as painfully made conscious of the fact in question. "We have some reason for believing that the Duke of Cambridge, than whom a braver soldier never stood in a field of battle has had his mind most alarmingly overthrown by the sight of the cold-blooded butcheries and deliberate assassinations perpetrated by the brutal and savage cut-throats, who, wearing the livery of the Czar of Russia, are a disgrace to the name and profession of soldier."—Standard, Dec. 1.
"Major-General Henry Bentinck has arrived in London from the Crimea ; and, considering the severity of the wound—fortunately, only a flesh one— he received at the battle of Inkerman, in better health than might be ex- pected. The gallant General had a lengthened interview with Viscount Hardinge the morning after his arrival; and also waited on her Royal High- ness the Duchess of Gloucester, at Gloucester House • when the Duchess of Cambridge and the Princess Mary came to town from Kew to meet the gallant General." —Times Naval and Military Intelligence, Dec. 2.
"Major-General Bentinck had the honour of an interview with her Ma- jesty the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, upon his return from the Crimea."—Court Circular, Dec. 2.
The Marseilles telegraphic correspondence of the Times mentions that the Duke of Cambridge "had left the army invalided."