"We are informed," says the Daily News, " upon authority that
leaves no doubt on our own minds as to the correctness of the statement, that the treaty of alliance between Austria and the Western Powers has been signed. As no official intimation of the event has yet reached us, we of course give the news with reserve, but scarcely entertain a doubt that it is true." It is added, that the fact was yesterday announced by the Earl of Westmoreland to the Earl of Clarendon by the electric telegraph.
The Spanish Cortes decided, on Thursday, by 206 to 21, "that the throne of Queen Isabella and her dynasty should form the basis of the political edifice in Spain," A telegraphic despatch from Madrid, of the 30th November, announces that the new Spanish Ministry is composed as follows—Espartero, Presi- dent of the Council ; O'Donnell, Minister of War ; Luzuriaga, Foreign Affairs; Aguirre, Justice Collado, Finance ; Allende, Marine ; Salazar, Interior ; Santa Cruz, Public Works.
The telegraph reports the success of the Liberals in the Danish elec- tions. For Copenhagen, Count Raben, the only Ministerial candidate, had only 114 votes, while his Liberal opponent, Professor Steen, had 307 votes. In like manner, Dr. Broclaner, the Liberal candidate for Frederica in Jutland, had 514 votes, while the Ministerial candidate had only 134.
The Magdalena arrived at Southampton yesterday, with the West India mails. Our files of Jamaica papers extend to the 10th November. At that date, the long-expected sanction from the Imperial Government had not arrived, and Sir Henry Barkly had altered the date for the meeting of the Legislature from the 14th to the 27th November. The Colonial Standard and the Horning Journal give currency to a statement that it had been found, at the last moment, that the change in the con- stitution of the island rendered necessary the issue of a new commission to Sir Henry Barkly. The Colonial Office is greatly blamed for the delay.