2 DECEMBER 1865, Page 1

It is announced se m i-officially that the Princess Helena, now nearly

twenty, is about to be betrothed to Prince Christian of Augustenburg, younger brother of the pretender to Schleswig- Holstein. This gentleman, who is the younger son of a mediatizecl Duke, without power, people,- or estates, is said to have been selected "because he has neit;ier principality nor functions," and can therefore allow his Wife to remain in England, which Her Majesty greatly desires. As the Queen, who, it must be remem- bered, accepted Mr. Neeld's bequest of more than a quarter- of a million, must now be immensely rich, and can endow such chil- dren as need it with princely. fortunes, there seems no reason why the nation should demur to an alliance which can scarcely be acceptable to all members of the Royal House. A Princess of Denmark, a Princess of Prussia, a Princess of Augustenburg, all sisters-in-law—surely the quarrels of kings cannot be quite inter- necine if that group is possible.