Running The Gauntlet. By Edmund Yates. (tinsley.)—a Most...
and amusing novel, but as a work of art not an improvement upon- Broken to Harness. The hero is too much of the Guy Livingstone type. for the sympathy of ordinary human beings,......
It Maybe True. By Mrs. Wood. (newby.)—it Is Not Mr.
Newby's fault, but ours, but it is very annoying. Imagining this story to be by Mrs. Henry Wood, the authoress of East Lynne, we waded through the first volume, wondering at......
Dean Alford On The Epistles Of St. Paul.* Tux Writings
of St. Paul try to the uttermost a commentator's sagacity and candour. If Dr. Alford's performance in some respects disappoints us, yet it has many merits to which we will-......
The Brothers. A Novel By Anna H. Drury. 2 Vols.
(Chapman and Hall.)—Something of a sensation novel by a clever woman, whose natural taste inclines her to the quiet and domestic drawing-room novel. It is good on the whole, and......
Moron's Miniature Poets. Selections From The Works Of...
(Edward Moxon and (Jo.)—A very good selection, with a very characteristic likeness of the poet for a frontispiece. We would not say that it contains nearly all Mr. Browning's......
Moron's Miniature Poets. Selections From The Works Of...
Saleeted and arranged by Francis Turner Palgrave. (Edward Idoxon.)—Probably no two genuine Wordsworthis.ns will ever exactly agree as to the selection they would make from the......
Journal Of Eugenie De Guerin. Edited By G. S. Trdbutien.
(Simpkin and Marshall, 1865.) — To translate from French so polished and subtle as the French of Engdnie De Gudrin's journals is not an easy task. So far as we have compared......
Fides, The Beauty Of Mayence. Adapted From The German. By
Sir Lascelles Wraxall. (Hurst and Blackett.)—There are readers who. will be keenly interested in this story, readers who love memoirs, and old letters, and little glimpses into......
Current Literat Ure.
*,,,* We regret much that by an error in transcribing the name of the English publisher of Mr. Grant White's book on the Life and Genius of Shakespeare, in our review of last......
The Literature Of Dreams. By F. &afield, M.a. (chapman And
Hall.)—Exactly what it professes to be, a "common-place book "devoted to facts, stories, opinions, and anecdotes about dreams, collected with great pains, illustrated with much......